
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/01 22:38:32
英语一篇完形填空20分,急Paul and Dick were fishing by the river at the foot of a hill.Paul’s dog Pluto was there with them.Now and then,the dog would play with some fallen(落下的)leaves,and it would run 1 a passing bird.That frightened 数论属于初等数学范畴吗? 应用微积分属于不属于微积分的一种? 写出两句描春天的诗句.标明诗题和作者 世界历史观后感 1000字 世界的统一性就在于什么 天下父母观后感 养牛和养猪那个辛苦 现在养猪赚钱还是养牛赚钱 2008年养猪好还是养牛好 养牛还是养猪好 英语高手进来看看(完形填空题目)Every morning,Jim goes to work___train____be has a long journey,he always buys a newspaper.It____to make the time the time pass more quickly.One Tuesday morning,he___to the spots page.He wanted to read 魔法师的帽子读后感1个自然段要200字 写一个自然段! 1.设a、b属于R,且aγ1-b^2 + bγ1-a^2 = 1.求证:a^2+b^2=1.2.已知a、b属于R,a^2+b^2=1,求(1+1/a^2)(1+1/b^2)的最小值.3.已知x、y为正实数,且x^2+y^2/2=1,求xγ1+y^2的最大值.注:γ是根号 ^2是平方 1、集合A={x属于R,X=a+b√3,a,b均属于Z},题目答案说0也是集合A的一个元素,为什么呢 此时a b都等于什么 2、比如我想写实数K的取值范围,要按初中的写法,我就写成5﹤k≤6,但答案给的是(5,6】, 用笔圈出来的那道题 我觉得4个都不对诶 线性代数啃完了,有必要高等代数再吃一遍吗,想为离散数学数论等打基础 限制性词语能否删除 初中语文限制性词语有哪些 We live in computer age.People like scientists,teachers,writers and even students use computers to do ___work.But more than 30tears ago,___couldn't do much.They were very big and expensive.Very___people were interested in them and knew how to use the 什么是限制性词语? 英语完形填空 题目加悬赏Mr. White works in a middle school.He __21__ English.He is friendly to his __22__ and they also like him,He spends __23__ time on his work.He often does some reading and writing.When he's __24__,he is also ve 东汉建立的时候,古罗马正处于( )A.罗马王政时代B.共和国时期C.罗马帝国时期D.西罗马帝国时期 The man often helps people( in )his work,这里的in能换成with吗? 土木工程结构试验中什么是结构上作用,包括那些类别,各类别之间有什么区别? Mr.Smith is a businessman,he often goes to other cities on______(busy) 土木组成的字有哪些 甚至,是什么限制性词语 英语语法填空,急语法填空来的, 英语语法填空, 英语语法填空求大神帮忙 神农氏与炎帝不就是一个人吗、那为什么历史上的三皇五帝中三皇里有神农氏五帝里有炎帝?三皇五帝中的三皇指燧人氏,伏羲氏,神农氏,而五帝指炎帝,黄帝,尧,舜,禹,对吗?可是神农氏不就是炎