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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/15 13:02:07 职称英语考试

A Pay Rise or Not?

"Unless I get a rise, I'll have a talk with the boss, Henry Manley," George Strong said to himself. George liked his job and he liked the town (he lived in), but his wife kept telling him (that his pay was not enough to meet the needs of the family). That was (why he was thinking of taking a job in Birmingham, a nearby city about 50 miles away). He had been offered a job in a factory there, and the pay was far better.

George lived in Wyeford, a medium-sized (复合词)town. He really liked the place and didn't like the idea of moving somewhere else, but if he took the job in Birmingham, he would have to move his family there.


名词性的结构通常在句子中充当句子主语, 宾语(动词宾语和介词宾语), 表语, 同位语;

动词性结构通常在句子中充当句子谓语(主句谓语和从句谓语)或非谓语的形式出现(e.g. telling him, taking a job 包括不定式, 动名词和分词结构)

l 英语小常识:

* Director smith(史密斯局长),Manager Jackson (杰克逊经理),Principal Morris(莫里斯校长)

医生或有博士学位的人称 Doctor ...;有权主持法庭审判的人可称Judge ...。州长和市长可称Governor ...和 Mayor ....。实际上外国人在称呼州长和市长时往往只称Governor或Mayor,而省去了他们的名字, 在称呼教授时也是仅仅称呼他们为Professor。

l 职称英语核心词汇推荐

against prep. 反对, 逆, 违背,(be against …/ 违反, 不顾, fight against…/对抗);

age n. 年龄 v. 变老(at the age of…/ 时年..岁; be of age(= come of age/)成年 ;

ago adv. 以前,以往(long long ago很久很久以前, two days ago/两天前);

agree v. 一致, 相合, 同意 (agree on…/对…意见一致; agree with sb. /同意某人的话 );

agreement n. 一致, 同意, 协议(in agreement with .../ ..和..一致);

agriculture n.农业

ahead adv.在前, 向前, 提前( ahead of…/在…之前;超过);

aid v. 帮助, 援助 n. 帮助, 支援(aid sb. in sth./ 帮助某人做。。);

aim v. (常与at连用)瞄准, 对准, 以…为目标n. 瞄准;目标(aim to do sth./ 致力于做。。;aim at doing sth./ sth. / 致力于做。。) ;

air n. 空气, 天空(fresh air /新鲜空气; by air /乘飞机);

airplane n. 飞机;

airport n.航空站,机场 ;

alarm n. 惊恐,担忧,报警器, 闹钟,警报v. 使担心,使惊恐

alcohol n. 酒精;

(A级)alert v.(常与to连用)警告adj. 警惕的; 警觉的(alert sb. to sth. /警告某人注意..的危险);

(A级)alien adj.. 外国(人)的, (与…)不同 (from),

alike adj. [常职称英语考试