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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/01 20:01:46 英语资源
Listen And Repeat — How High-Quality Sound Will Make Your Language Journey Easier?听和重复——高质量的听力怎样使得你学习语言更加容易?How should you best listen to new material and make yourself heard? Some sound advice about language learning on the go.怎样才能最好地听新的材料,并使别人听懂你的发音?下面借来看看关于语言学习的听力建议。What it boils down to is this: If you listen to quality audio samples and learn to mimic these well, then your brain will do the rest for you. If this sounds weird at first, remember that this is how kids learn a language. Everyone has gone through the process of listening and mimicking at least once in their lives before. There’s no reason why you can’t do it again.归结起来可以这样说:如果你听音频样本,然后学着模仿,你的大脑就会为你完成剩下的事情。如果这个一开始听起来很奇怪,记住这就是孩子们学习语言的方式。每个人在之前至少都经历过先听然后模仿的过程。你没有理由不能再做一次。Good sound on the way into your ears equals good sound on the way out of your mouth — easy-peasy! So how do you go about it?好的听力在进入你的耳朵和进入你的嘴巴是一样的——小菜一碟!所以你该怎么行动起来呢?

1. The Portable Sound Studio便携式音响设备We use our smartphones for most things — including language learning. Having high-quality sound on your device, listening with headphones in a quiet corner and really concentrating on every little aspect of the sound will go a long way to improving your skills. We have to be able to hear every last nuance of a word or conversation to be able to mimic it properly ourselves, so make sure you can hear everything perfectly.我们可以使用智能手机做许多事情——包括学习语言。拥有高质量音响装备,在安静的角落使用耳机,集中注意力关注听力的每个部分,要想用这些办法提高你的听力真是任重而道远。我们要听出每个单词或对话的细微差别,从而能够正确地模仿,所以要确保你听清楚所有的内容。I supplement this with my own playlists of extra material such as individual words, some short phrases or even whole conversations that I’ve picked up from books, magazines, emails and even billboards, including recordings of my friends and colleagues: Every time I discover a new phrase when I’m speaking to a friend, I ask them to repeat it into my phone, and — voilà! — I have some new material to listen to the next day. This keeps life very interesting and motivates me to learn even m英语资源