
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/01 18:40:15 公共英语等级考试
  • 高效备考 轻松通关!2017年公共英语等级考试保过课程火热开售中>>



      阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A .、B .、[c]三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项.并在答题卡1上将该项涂黑。

      Indians always shake(摇)their heads f Example:0) they talk to others.46 does not have the same meaning 47 “no”.If someone wants to visit India, 48 should know this,49 it will give him some trouble.

      One day.a foreign officer went to India ON business.He hired(雇佣)a car and an Indian to drive it.when he 50 the driver to send him to his office,the driver shook his 51 at once.The officer repeated his order.And the driver 52 so again.At last,the officer,of course,got 53 .

      “ 54 dare you refuse(拒绝)my order?”he shouted.“Drive me to office immediatelv!”

      The driver answered 55 quite a loud voice,too.“Yes,sir!”But he still shook his head at the same time.

      Suddenly the officer realized that,“No means Yes here!”


      0.A .when

      B .on

      C .what

      答案:A .

      46. A .It

      B .She

      C .That

      47. A . for

      B .like

      C .as

      48. A .you

      B .he

      C .they

      49 .A . and

      B .but

      C .or

      50. A . wanted

      B .told

      C .showed

      51. A .car

      B .visitor

      C .head

      52. A . did

      B .repeated

      C .asked

      53. A . angry

      B .surprised

      C .worried

      54. A .Who

      B .Why

      C .How

      55. A .with

      B .as

      C .on

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