
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/14 20:27:05 商务英语考试(BEC)
  • 不过免费重读!2017年商务英语考试(BEC)全程通关课程火热开售中>>
  • II Monologue
    Talk, Report, Lecture…
    1 特点:(1)一人独白:目的:说明/说服
    2 应对:(1)主动地听
    firstly, secondly, finally
    One, one of, start, begin
    Next, then, besides, and, also, another, in addition, what’s more
    a 先扬后抑:but, yet, however…
    b 直白:最……:the most, the least…
    大多数:most, almost, the majority of, main, chief, …
    强调:only, unique, sole, just, simply…
    不同:different, differ, special, especially, particularly…
    重要:important, crucial, essential, vital, what really matters, what is…
    c 推导: so, thus, therefore, as a result, consequently, accordingly
    cause, lead to, bring about, come along, follow
    come from, stand behind, stem from
    d 比较:not…as, more than, compare with, rather than
    instead of, on the other hand商务英语考试(BEC)