
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 04:55:04
作文我的座右铭. 一个最简分数,分子加上24,分母加上40,分数大小不变,原分数是()求过程 把13分之3的分子加上6要使这个分数的大小不变分母加上多少, What a wondful film But I am afraid not _____ is interested in it.A someone B everyone C anyone D all选什么 卷尺的厚度是多少? I am not_____in this film.I won't see it again.(interest) What movie和What movies有什么区别? (-2.5)-(+2.7)-(-1.6)-(-2.7)+(+2.4)的计算过程 What will you do?What will you do after you get up?What time did you use to get up?What time are you going to get up tomorrow?What time do you get up last Sunday?When did you go to bed last night?What time do you usually get to bed?When do you go to 鸡是体内受精还是体外受精?鸡是是怎样受精的啊?所有的鸡蛋都是受精卵吗? 鸡是体外受精还是体内受精? 鸡是体外受精还是体内受情 鸡是体外授精还是体内授精?怎样授精? 卷尺头为什么是松的 红斑马鱼是体外受精还是体内?如果是体内那一看肚子大了 ,把它单独放一个缸里行吗?还有就是怎么区分雌雄,我买的时候里面大部分是粉色的,就几只是黄颜色的,黄色的就是雌的吗? 鱼是体内受精还是体外受精? 虹鳟鱼是体内受精还是体外受精? 改错:1the diarys were under the copybook just now.2there are three rolls of film in my pocket.一共有两题 There are three rolls of films .这句话有错吗?错在哪里? 玻璃纤维卷尺问下玻璃纤维的卷尺误差是多少?100米的,用的时间长了,卷尺会变长吗?误差变大吗? Tom,can I borrow your book Chicken Soup ---Sorry,I _____ it to Mary.A.lent B.have lent C.had lent D.lend 1.Nanjing Health School () in Xiao Zhuang.A.is located B.locates C.locate D.lay2.()warming is serious problem concerned by scientists.A.World B.Global C.Globe D.Worldwide3.Stress is a part of ()life.A.everyday B.every C.one D.day the students can acquire the konwledge of the cultural assimilation...我后面想加个(逗号+那些老师交给他们的)来修饰,怎么写呢?是,their teacher teached么? 如果a,b,k均为整数,你能求出满足关系式(x+a)(x+b)=x^2+kx+37的k的值吗? There are two rolls of flim on the ground有什么错 There are tow roiis of film on the ground 改错 秦时明月汉时关用的是什么修辞手法? 秦时明月汉时关什么修辞手法 秦时明月汉时关 修辞及作用 There are three rolls of films in my bag 这句话错在哪里?我看了半天都找不出来,不是films 请问是什么? 求一个数的几分之几是多少,用除法.(判断题) kx²-(k²+6k+6)x+6k+36=2个根都是某个等腰直角三角形的边长,求k