
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/19 23:35:54
animals are men's friends 这句话有没有错 客户寄来的样品中,附有的一张询价单上,写有这样的话“no commercial value,value for customs,purpose only”, Value for customers clearance purpose only的意思这句话是在DHL的快递INVOICE中 最后出现的提示!请问是"仅供客户结帐使用"么? PRICES QUOTED ABOVE ARE ONLY FOR CUSTOMS PURPOSE, 英语翻译 For External Use Only的中文意思是什么 for industr ial use only 学习英语的后果不知道是我学习差还是什么.学习英语后.我的中文语病就一大堆.老是用英语的句型写昨天病句一大堆.比如英文表达腰包掏不起.中文是掏不起腰包.经常回头看看就知道语病了` for use by player she could not sit down to talk ,but kept movingshe could not sit down to talk ,but kept moving around the room ( ) doors and furniture although they already sparkled. It isMonday today.的一般疑问句怎么改?快……………………………… she was once in the company ( ) as a typist from the year 2002 to 2008 用work的适当形式填空 (only)英文是什么意思? LG冰箱右侧标签上的英文 -internal use only Use English only in our group please Today is Friday.(划线提问) 划线Friday ( ) ( ) is today? .It is Friday.( 对划线部分提问)Friday是划线部分, they went to school at 6:00.对划线部分提问 连词成句 cat,on,of,the,the,left,is,house,the(.) hello,house of dumpling a merry heart does good like a medicine,what does this mean?give us an example My grandmother is very old.She is 84.She is four time as old as I am.How old am Why do parents and children spend less time together now than in the old day?怎么回答? What are the benefits for parents and children to spend time together?怎么翻译 What are the benefits for parents and children to spend time together? 怎么回答? Please have a sit.改错 英文作文“My Best Friend”有头发 身高 体重 眼睛 描写.简单的80个单词左右初1的 worried worry worriedly worries 有什么区别请加一些例句 Siri只能识别英语吗?还能支持那些语言?演示都是英语诶········· what nice hat it is 是不是用what 找出句子中的错误并改正1.Tell him not speak in class.2.He goes to home late every day. Write out more words with the same sound.run race ruler_ _ _ _ Lucy Like Last_ _ _ _第一行是R第二行是L 下边都有下划线 越快越好