
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 11:19:10
Where are you from?为什么用“are”? where are you from?为什么用are不用do?说清楚些 如何用美剧真正提升英语水平 描写多朋友的词语急~ he could hum songs and diffcult pieces of music . 古代描写战争男女分离的诗句,谢谢,5句左右. 中国古代关于描写春天的诗词很多,选择其中两句,分别写出意思完整的相关诗句. the little boy can hum songs and several diffcult ____ 1.musics 2.music 3.pieces of musics4.pieces of music While ____ a small boy ,he could hum songs .A.already B.until C.yetD.still为什么(不是其他答案) pieces of music 是单数还是复数?I like pieces of music that _______ gentle lyrics.have & has 应该选哪个? music的复数形式为? Jacky Chan,some__of whom can be called master pieces of the pop music,held his.A.work B.working C.works D.workers 刘真君家养了一些鸡和兔子,鸡和兔子一共有20个头,70条腿.他家养了多少只鸡,养了多少只兔子?(用方程 学校饲养小组养了若干只鸡和兔,鸡和兔一共有10个头,32条腿.饲养小组饲养的鸡、兔个多少只?方程 I’m sorry I haven’t written to you for so long.The reason for this is that I’ve been ill.第二句this is不能理解,在句中充当什么呢?最好有相关的例句,另外,请问第一句for后面可不可以替换成for a few years呢? 请问 I want to be so perfect you see 关于except的问题,I jog every day except on rainy days,老师说rainy days前一定要加on,我个人理解是except前后要一致,因为是I jog on rainy days而不是I jog rainy days但是,如果是I jog every day except_______,是填Monday还 So You Want to Be President?为什么要用be为什么要用be,而不是do呢? to be to you so是哪首歌里的歌词 有没有人能将初中的历史时间串成一个时间表?就是把中国历史外国历史结合起来,完整细致一点. 关于except的一道英语题He goes to work ever day ____A.except for rainy days B.besides it rainsC.but that it rains D.except on rainy days(key:D) 怎么给死去的动物超度如题. "陈雅琳"这个名字取什么英文名要带点谐音,可以不要”陈”字. 写起来要好看,读起来要好听的谢谢!最好附上音标..还有,不要复制一大堆乱七八糟的名字上来,看到就眼花...可以参考一下 children's book 英语作文 any other ()book.填children还是children's 选择.Aunt Lucy sent(a child's/a children's)book to me.请说明理由。 有没有child book这种说法?若有,最好找一个权威例句,谢谢 Dead man live in a dead place in a dead country in a dead space翻译 Dead (Live) 歌词 live/dead baclight什么意思 鸡兔49,100条腿,鸡和兔各多少?解方程式设:鸡=X,兔=Y.X+Y=49,2X+4Y =100要求把方程式解出来, well-constructed facade 神马意思?The problem is that a really well-constructed facade means they may never get really well-informed or find what makes them happy还有,Techniques for the Best Year of Sex Everinventor of The Orgasm Loop,神马