
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 22:52:37
老妪 BLood is thicker than water 如何翻译? Blood is thicker than water 老妪 some的用法coffee是不可数名词,为什么可以说是:would you like some coffeeany是用在不可数名词上的 英语翻译吕蒙字子明,汝南富陂人也.少南渡,依姊夫邓当.当为孙策将,数讨山越.蒙年十五六,窃随当击贼,当顾见大惊,呵叱不能禁止.归以告蒙母,母恚欲罚之,蒙曰:“贫贱难可居,脱误有功,富贵 some用法不要any的多一点行么 certain 的用法有哪些? 鲁肃代周瑜阅读答案鲁肃代周瑜,当之陆口,过蒙屯下.肃意尚轻蒙,或说肃曰:“吕将军功名日显,不可以故意待也,君宜顾之.”遂往诣蒙.酒酣,蒙问肃曰:“君受重任,与关羽为邻,将何计略以备 Blood is thicker than water.的正确意思 Tom's mother said that he was out when I visited him同义句Tom's mother said that he wasn't ____ ____ when I visited him 三国志.吴志.吕蒙传中的吕子明的学问好,在文中是通过鲁肃的什么表现出来的? 吕蒙传中鲁肃是一个什么样的人 阅读《老妪》,完成练习.1.文章写老妪、老叟卖茶蛋时有两处细节,“拨弄煮锅里的蛋”这一细节描写的作用是什么?2.文中“袖着手,缩着瘦颈,身子冷得佝偻着”采用了动作描写的方法刻画人物 (或许,可能)people will be able to go to oute(或许,可能)people will be able to go to outer space in the future Miss Lee is a musician.[改为一般疑问句】 根据《三国志·吴志·吕蒙传》,谁能说说鲁肃对吕蒙的态度前后有什么变化? 我的名字有个琪,谁能帮我找个英文名 我的名字叫朱晨曦,水瓶座,请帮我想一个英文名,吧英文名的意思写出来,谢谢大家了!顺便说一下,我是女的,90后,既要写出英文名的意思,又要写出英文名的读音. There are many members in the English Club.Jack is a member of it.(合并为一句) There are many lockers in this supermarket.(写出同义句) This supermarket. Millie 经常向图书馆借书(翻译)Millie often___books___the school library they'd like large shoes对large 提问 It is important__________(not feed) your goldfish too much food there are many e__ in this book. 英语翻译你是怎么回来的?_________ do you ________________?你家里公园有多远?______________ is it _______________________?(所有线上均可填多个单词)在线等 So,_____goldfish on bread.A.not to feed B.not feding C.don't feed D.doesn't feed many与some的区别 What do you ------ (give food to)your dog on?个人认为用feed,但feed on谷歌是吃的意思, 填上合适的词.1.Can I ask you some questions ( ) your day?2.What do you do ( ) weekend?3.Please come ( )my home.4.Can I interview you ( ) the clss newspaper?5.Look,this is a picture ( ) my father.6.I usually get ( )at six in the morning.7.I ofte Only when he is seriously ill does he ever stay in bed.中的EVER这里的EVER 我知道这句话的标准翻译是仅当他重病时,他才会卧床。就是不知道句子中的EVER是什么意思 把ever拿掉会不会对句子意思有影响 The man_____glasses is Mr.