
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/16 12:15:05
He will wash dishes for his mother.(wash dishes划线) 英语翻译 they gave me the same answer.的同义句 They gave him a warm welcome at the railway station.以下被动语态都对吗?He was given a warm welcome at the railway station.A warm welcom was given him at the railway station. be familiar with 近义词,也是词组,是没有be动词的,____sth____=be familiar with sth? be familiar with的近义词要的是单词(动)谢谢 The hardworking boy often studies_____4hours every day.A in BforConDat 翻译:在故事里,聪明的男孩对坏警察搞了个恶作剧. 如何调戏谷歌翻译 求恶作剧系列的drama和翻译 呵呵,无所谓,女人记住你们永远都玩不过男人,别想着玩弄生活,玩弄男人,女人最终也会被玩弄?女人你们记住,你们玩的是你的整个身体,被玩多了,你想还有男人要么?所以我权你们女人,别想着 英语翻译1.《聊斋志异·促织》“抚军亦厚赉成.不数年,田百顷,楼阁万椽,牛羊蹄躈各千计.”2.项王泣数行下,左右皆泣,莫能仰视.以上两句古文怎么翻译成英语.谢谢 At the airpocket,you must show your p______to the policeman. 英语翻译恩被四泽,德被四海就要这一句就行! what a day What a ( )day!(急,A.tiredB.tiring请说明原因 以“what a day!”为题,写不少于10句话的英语作文 be afraid of good hunters or hunting What's the day 是问星期几吗? 宾语从句中,当从句中有情态助动词,应该放在那里?是在主语之前,还是之后? 初中英语中的宾语从句是不是要把助动词丢掉啊、?RT 宾语从句中的助动词ought,need,must,dare 时态是不变的是指这些词本身的时态不变还是说这些词后面的动词也不变? 读聊斋志异促织反映了什么问题? 英语翻译China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region,Urumqi,Beijing on the 29th 34 North Road,Unit 2,on the 12th这应该是怎么个顺序啊 特洛伊与希腊的战争中天神为什么要毁灭特洛伊城,是希腊后来用木马计胜利的那一场战役 学英语好,还是学车好?3Q学英语好,还是学车好?只能选一个,我在考率现在社会学车好还是学英语好,请大家给点意见, to be great,you must be smart confident,and,above all,honest.这句话中“to be great"是省略句吗“to be great”是省略吗?是的话,把原句还原成不省略的样子,应该怎么办 It must be great being you这句话怎么解释,great being ,这个being, Things to do are :be confident,be honest and .如果是Things to be done对嘛? What day is it?怎么翻译 促织 一词多义以、举、即、意、而这五个词在课文中的一词多义,不用很多很复杂,有就行。 Is there a footbll field in your sckool?和Is this your schoolbag?如何做否定和肯定回答.