
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 21:59:02
There______some sheep over there.They____grass A.is,eat B.are,eating C.are,are eating D.is,eating There are some sheep in the yard.如题sheep是不可数的,为什么be动词用are? I.eat.dinner at.home.写问句 there is/are ...some.some.造句5个 含有/ɔi/的英语单词有哪些? jim usually eats dinner at home(用now改句子 步步高小学建一幢教学大楼,用了120万元,比原计划节约了30万元,节约了百分之几?(算式过程) a >1,b >0,a ^b +a ^-b =8^1/2,a ^b -a ^-b得几 some birds are singing in the tree.改为一般疑问句 l can see some birds in the tree.改为一般疑问句是什么今晚就要 因式分解的方法解题 谁会1.4X方-X-1 2.a的三次方+a的二次方-a-1=? I can see some birds in the tree.对划线提问英语 快 等等等等等等等等等等等等等等等等等等等等 有一个英语单词,读音应该是['kɔlifain] --- kao lei fine 意思应该是形容一个人怎么样的 谁能给个指点,是什么单词?.. /tʃu:z/、/wʌndə/、/ɔ:də/、/kʌntri/是什么英语单词? 下图P为北极点,MZN为夜弧,∠MPX和∠NPY为7.5°,则据此作出的下列判断正确的是 A.PM为晨线,PN为昏线 B.PN为晨线,PM为昏线 C.M的地方时为5:30 D.L正处于黑夜 英语单词box的音标为什么是bɔks而不是bɔk,如果每个音标对译的话b=b,ɔ=ok=x多出来的s为什么不译 某地昼长14小时,该地的落日时间是:19时 k___a英语单词k___a填三个 bo___rk填三个或四个 b___nd填三个 请问这道地理题的第(2)(4)怎么得到的, a:b=0.5:0.8 b:c=1.2:0.5 求a:b:c a=0.5,b=8,c=2的比例中项 They have some water in the bottle.变成一半疑问句__ they have __ water in the bottle They buy some lanterns.改为一般疑问句怎么改 地理第二题 (1) (2)题 9:00a.m.CST 是北京时间几点阿? 请问“9am-5pm CST”是北京时间几点到几点, while i was walking along the lake,I saw some fish ( ) out of the waterA.jumped B.to jumpC.jumping D.are jumping明天中考,求讲解, Some flowers and a bed ( )in the room.应该写IS 还是ARE 北京时间21:10,纽约时间多少? Mary doesn't walk to school.She goes to school by bus.Mary goes to school by bus_______ _________walking to school. CST是美国的一个什么组织?这位大哥穿得像FBI一样,