
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 08:48:31
说明一下理由 说明理由 说明理由, 说明理由谢谢了. 证明理由 Compare our love,your love is so Speak our your love to him/her.意思 how your love's affecting our reality的意思affecting是“深深打动人的”的意思reality是“现实,实际情况”的意思 The little girl is afraid to speak____(公众) The old man is vert ___(友好)to others 这句话的最佳解释是什么?do what is right,even though nobody is doing it;do not do what is wrong,even though everyone is doing it 有句名言求最好的解释~最好是正规的书上给出的答案~SORRY~是:蚁穴虽小,可溃千里长堤。 帮忙解释这些英文句子.最好快.so he is standing near the counter and waiting for her.Mr.green says kindly…… The other people were ____and ask:"What are you doing? Why do you do that?"麻烦帮我填一下并且翻译成英文,谢谢! Pig,do not ask,because,other than what you .翻译一下这句话的意思 what other people did you meet in the park 改为同义句 WHAT DO YOU CARE WHAT OTHER PEOPLE THINK怎么样 最好把原因解释一下,谢谢! we are looking forward to ( ) to our country . visiting; visit; a visit ; you visit We are all looking forward to visiting your country .为什么用这个visiting 动词 We're looking forward___our home again.A to visit B to a visit to C to visting to D to a visit.B 虽然我也承认B是对的 但是我想听听为什么不可以选C 貌似C也没有什么语法问题吧.抱歉 如果可以我真的很希望给更 we are looking forward to ( )Australia.visit,a visit,a visit to,visiting to.选择填空 we are looking forward 后面为什么跟 to visiting yourhometown?关键是to visiting 为什么跟这个? The little girl was -- by the ---film.(frighten)The child stared at the ---man with a ---expression.(frighten) scary movie “除了你的脚印,什么也别留下.除了将你的记忆,什么也别带走.”这句话的意思是 little yellow而thrilling的movie推荐RT.仅仅恐怖的也行,太经典的不要,应该看过. 除了你的脚印,什么都别留下;除了你的记忆,什么都别带走.写的好不好 海日生残夜,江春入旧年.两句写出了什么生活哲理? 次北固山下海日生残夜,江春入旧年揭示了诗人怎样的生活哲理? 我用Rosetta Stone V3.4.5学英语··学两节后·第三节就需要验证码~·怎么办啊 《次北固山下》中的“海日生残夜,江春入旧年”含有什么哲理? You know I love you dearly the more I'm going away.I'm going to a foreign nation to purchase a plantation