
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 19:50:00
you syetem has been modified please remove the modification to play on this server code You system has been modified .Please remove the modified to play one the server.Code(20)不知道为什么这样~!请各位高手指点!~! 已知:△ABC中,a=5,b=8,∠A=30度,求∠B,∠C,c已知△ABC的三边是a,b,c,求中线AD的长 急设锐角三角形ABC的内角A,B,C的对边为a,b,c,且a=2bsinA.求cosA+sinC的取值范围.若按照解出cosA+sinC的值再进行判断,应该怎样做呢? 听英语老师讲:My mother said,"you should do it by yourself".又有听到He did it himself.反身代词前l到底加不加by? Thank you wery much!I'll be beater soon,you are my good friend! I‘m sure we'll have a good time at the party .同义句 I'm sure we'll()()at the parry ·请教·关于一道解三角形的题三角形ABC中,AB=2,BC=5,S三角形ABC=4,则AC=? ·请教·一道关于解三角形的题sinA的平方=sinB的平方+sinBsinC+sinC的平方,则A=? 问一道解三角形题:在ABC中,D为边BC上一点,BD=2DC,角ABC=120°,AD=2,若ADC的面积为3减二次根下3,则角BAC=多少? these is a cat on the tree.these is a photo on the 表示某人也是有几种说法?是“So+助+主”还是“So+主+助” 关于担当的作文 danced,my,in,mother,beijing,last week,怎么排序今天作业急呀40分钟之内有加分 man with the golden gun 歌词 The Man With the Golden Gun 歌词 George made 15( ){type} mistakes because he( ){drink}too much. 填什么为什么这么填?为什么这么填 George made 15( ){type} mistakes because he( ){drink}too much.填什么为什么这么填 he gave away all his books.可以改成he gave all his books away吗? George made 15( ){type} mistakes because he( ){drink}too much. 填什么为什么这么填?为什么这么填?谢 He gave all his books away. 问个英语小问题: He gave away all his books是否可以改成 He gave all his books away?另外 除了give away \woke up\looking for\cut off\put on\lift up\pull down\ask for\threw away 哪些可以拆开调换成上面的形式? He gave away all his books的意思 He gave all his books away to the library为什么是 gave gave all his books away away 不是动副短语加代词宾语才放中间吗?为什么 all his books 不加在gave away的后边呢? they gave me food and drink as the sustenance这句话对么 meaghan这个英文名字有什么寓意 The boy was luckly to___by his father because of the mistake he made in the accident.A.go unpunishedB.become punishingC.went unpunishedD.turn unpunished选哪个,加翻译 his father looked ______ at his son.because his son made great progress in his exama.happpy b.happily they were her state pair怎么翻译呢,这句话是马克吐温的名著汤姆·索亚历险记里的then she put them up and looked out under them.She seldom or never lookedthrough them for so small a thing as a boy; they 然后她又戴上了眼 They were in a state of bliss during the honeymoon 怎么划分成分 主 谓 宾 等 the latest news news He arrived ,bearing the latest