
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 21:09:15
《世说新语 言语》译文原文钟毓、钟会少有令誉,年十三,魏文帝闻之,语其父钟繇曰:“可令二子来。”于是敕见。面有汗,帝曰:“卿面何以汗?”毓对曰:“战战惶惶,汗出如浆。” 英语翻译谢公云:「贤圣去人,其间亦迩.」子侄未之许,公叹曰:「若郗超闻此语,必不不至河汉.」这句怎么翻译? She is very____ the news.A.surprise in B.surprise with C.surprised at D.surprised for She is e()when she hears the good news. 找出一处错误并改正 1.How a pretty gil she is!2.The news is the earliest3.He walked to the room and found nothing.4.I didn't go for a holiday because the rain.5.He was talking with his friend when the bus come6.What are you going to do with t 《世说新语.雅量》翻译 英语翻译翻译这一段 :"郄太傅在京口,遣门生与王丞相书,求女婿.丞相语郄信:'君往东厢,任意选之.'门生归白郄曰:'王家诸郎亦皆可嘉.闻来觅婿,咸自矜持;唯有一郎在东床上坦腹卧,如不闻.'郄公 读朱自清的《春》好词好句 春朱自清好词好句 How long do you live from school Two miles.哪儿错了? We are _sorry to hear the bad news.A.too B.so选哪个?为什么? was traveling 与 was to travel 的区别 方山子传 为什么方山子俯而不答 仰而笑? 方山子传 什么顺序介绍方山子 方山子传 译文.作者苏轼,原文为:方山子,光黄间隐人……倘见之欤?快 方山子传 苏轼①方山子为什么改变自己的志向?后又为什么隐居?②隐寓了作者怎样的思想感情? she help crying at the news of her mother's deathA.couldn't B.shouldn't C.hadn't D.didn't选哪一个?为什么?请详解 “文似看山不喜平”,作文最忌平淡,请问《方山子传》一文是如何打破平淡,塑造丰满人物形象的?无论详略皆可! limx→0[sinx-sin(sinx)]sinx/x^4 五年级19课小练笔 She was in the middle of telling me the news___a cloud came over her face.A.whereB.whyC.whenD.while limx→0 sin[sin(sinx)]/x 五五普法法制征文范文医务人员的,急 一方水养一方人 后半句是什么? 求一篇关于09年法制宣传日的征文,要求层次清晰法律与我同行 Please advice me what is the status是什么意思这句是不是说请告诉我我在你心中是什么地位,还是说请把某种报告给我 完型填空:Let's help them ( ) the cleanning. "life is like a box of chocolate,you will never know what you gonna get"的正确翻译 .Let me help you .(改同一句)2.Let me help you (改同一句)Let me ( )you ( )( ) 3.Those slices ( )very thick A.am B.is C.are Let me help you 的答语 let () help you .为什么是ME 是宾格呢? 谁能帮我译出明日歌?