
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 06:06:20
[w86] It is doctors' duty to take the ______ of healing the wounded and rescuing the dying.A.possibilities B.responsibilities C.opportunities D.probabilities请翻译包括选项,并分析. the wounded _good care of nowa.are being takenb.is being takenwhy? Where did you go? Where are you going ?两句话除了时态不同,为什么一个用do 一个用are, I wanna be the guy that you first loves in your life中文意思 求帮忙,他们能够胜任这份辛苦的工作(中翻英用到equal)我们应该他犯同样的错误(用stop。。。from) 英语翻译“结合词汇深化文化认识”就是这句,【谷歌的就免啦............................】 以下句子要中翻英:了解你的生活充实-包括工作,家庭与休闲- 请好好善用时间享受生活.我羡慕你 Where do you watch TV.回答病翻译 中翻英,工作完毕,他们都去洗澡了.工作完毕,他们都去洗澡了翻成英语, Come on you are the best i believed you COME ON.YOU ALWAYS THE BEST! come on you are the best fighter什么意思 地铁屏蔽门的锁闭机构想知道地铁屏蔽门(站台门)中锁闭装置的详细结构,最好有图.就是滑动门关上后它提供必要的锁闭,为了安全.大概知道有电磁铁 锁钩什么的,想知道具体点的,中间如何 英语翻译李先生自出生就住在南京,现在的南京变化了许多(现在完成时).过去这里空气清新,树木很多,现在这里建造了新的机场.过去人们只能乘公交车,但现在非常快捷方便,你可以乘干净漂 The best places are next to heavy pieces of furniture. 初二英语作文 (书面表达)2010年的国庆节快到了.你的好友Jim询问你的假期计划,请根据以下提示,给Jim回封E-mail,告诉他你准备如何度假,可适当发挥.80词左右,开头和结尾已给出,不计总词数提 try to be as____ as you can when you do your homework(care) take a shower fore ver look young enjoy fun guys life fighter 歌词和汉译christina aguilera唱的nba赛场歌曲歌词和汉译都要 One day Nasreddin borrowed a pot (罐) from his neighbour Ali.The next day he brought it back with another little pot inside.“That’s not mine,” said Ali.“Yes,it is.” said Nasreddin.“While your pot was staying with me,it had a baby.”Some the next day,almost from the beginning of my shift,i left one dime slot empty ,customers came andcustomers went,and only once did someone say miss,my change is incorrect ,then i quickly rectified the mistake 翻译成中文 Jim is 6.Helen is 8.合并成一句Jim is ()()Helen。是这样的填空题 Norman Cousins was a businessman from.英语完形填空哪有完整的? The iPad costs me only $260.It is a real __?A trade B deal C purchase D bargain The things are getting worse dirty翻译 I am afarid you can't go into the bedroom.It________yet.A.hasn't been cleaned B.hasn't cleaned(续上)C.isn't cleaned D.wasn't cleaned为虾米这里要选A啊? 英语翻译 想知道,《有僵尸在你的草坪上》这首英文歌曲的英文歌词如上,一定要英文的哦,呵呵 It__(rain )by last Tuesday 是had been rained 么?