
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 04:58:58
Mary worte an article on why the team had failed to win the game.谁可以给我一个详解和翻译? 英语有哪些常用语是在学校的 去美国的常用语高一学生要去美国冬令营,什么是必须掌握的用语或者用的比较常见的话?一般情况下在寄宿家庭的就餐礼仪. 日常英语常用语都有哪些? AA不是同源染色体而Aa就是同源染色体 Mary wrote an article on_______(为什么这支队伍为赢得)the game.(win)答案为什么是接上文:why this team hadn't win为什么要用hadn't?是因为句式关系么? Seh wrote an article on ___the team had failed to win the game.这个空为什么不能填thatthanks 聊天时你的常用语是什么? 阅读Man's Best Friend是一篇首字母阅读填空题,最后一个填不出,摘取一段:Why was Bobby's grave little?Bobby,John's best friend,was a d_____.如果大家感觉信息不够的话,可以和我说一下. 自由女神像为什么举着火炬面向大海 自由女神举的是什么 伴郎用英语怎么说 伴郎的英文怎么说 初二英文题.——How was your trip to the park?——It couldn't____.We lost our way and it ke——How was your trip to the park?——It couldn't____.We lost our way and it kept raining.A.nicer B.worse C.worst D.good 人闲桂花落,夜静春山空.出自与哪首诗? Look at the instruction____our trip. 英语翻译马丁·路德·金是著名的美国民权运动领袖,诞生于美国东南部的佐治亚州的亚特兰大市. 精神与物质哪个重要举例说明 举例说明物质范畴和意识范畴不要随便大篇大篇的复制一些没用的东西,越精炼越好! 分别举例说明意识与物质的范畴 精神上的快乐比物质上的快乐更重要,请举例说明一下? 物质世界之外是否有一个真实存在的精神世界?举例说明. dreamtime is often a time of transformation for the soul翻译 Don”t feel bad ,everthing will be all right 57.I ______ my classmates while they often fight.A.got on well with B.gets on with C.get on wel为什么选A不选C,后句不是有often吗? I ______ my classmates while they often fight. Don't worry ,I will be fine.请各位大虾帮忙翻译下阿,- 我一点英语都不懂,偏偏有人要我看/. Don't worry,I will be back____ ____ ____ ____,四个孔觉得不只有soon they often ( )with me on saturday s是不是like _Mike and Sally_(work) here next Saturday?I _(not think) so. Would you like to go to Qingdao with me (英译中) 请问一下line(x 8,y 11,x 12,y 11);i是a的对手,j是b的对手,k是c的对手*/输入的两个矩阵不能相加,请重试.***\n");turn;for(inti=start;i