
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 03:21:56
IP后面的/数字 如:中的/12 /24 /27 IP地址后面的几个数字是什么意思啊,哪问高手能回答 ip:我是说IP 后面还有几个数字是什么意思 英语翻译 英语翻译1.明天去郊游的人放学后请留在教室.2.我要做点吃的东西.3.要买书的学生请在班长那里记下自己的名字.4.那个要表演的女演员是李的姐姐.要求:要用动词不定式当定语来翻译(要用 Ten years later,you will remember me? Ten years later do you remember me?求中文翻译. 英语翻译 ef英孚教育好不好呢?有什么和别的不一样的地方吗? It took 2,000years for this idea to become accepted by most scientists.这句话是从句吗?为什么这个句子有两个谓语. “无志之人常立志”的下半句是什么? 无志之人常立志~后半句 无志之人常立志的后一句是 无志之人常立志_______________(下一句)速度!现用俗语,. whitney houston的现状 大作文《我也追星》800字 英语翻译For more than sixty years,Aunt Marion didn’t and still doesn’t think of herself.unless she is forced to come up to the front,my aunt will stand in the back in family photos,and she doesn’t think that her efforts have made much diffe no smile no cry no happy no i 数学 1、利用所学数学知识设计班级的班徽. 初二数学1、利用所学数学知识设计班级的班徽.要求: (1)学生自行利用网络或者查找资料初步了解设计的意义及设计要领. (2) 要求学生用图形 after ten years,all these youngsters,有什么错误? 开头just thought of you takes my breath away,after all these years one more can I say,U re still thlight guides me even through the darkest day,I still love U after all these years.吉他背景,女的唱的,跪求完整的歌曲,歌名,我把我听 It is interesting 它后面加上go to the movies 用什么介词 It would have been just as satisfactory if I had not been there.书上正确的答案是:我还不如去那里百思不得其解,感激 HAPPY ENDING怎么样 求好看的,经典的小说.要HAPPY ENDING的. If a better material had been used,the_of the part would have been increased.A.energyB.forceC.strengthD.power 求《happy ending》歌词谢谢您的回答~ 翻译一下句子:ON MY OWN NO mater is ending perfect I wish you happy 英语翻译怎么向老外解释“大智若愚” this charity helps p_ health care and education for children in many countries 初二的一篇英语作文!快急!假如你叫李明,最近你对“向谁倾诉烦恼”进行了调查.现在请你以“whom do ask for help when we are in trouble?”为题,参照表内所提供的信息,写一篇英语短文.字数:60词左