
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/16 21:54:23
一次数学竞赛都是填空题,小明答错的题恰是题目总数的4分之1,小亮答错5题,两人都答错的题目占总题数的6分之1,已知小明、小亮都答对的题目超过了试题总数的一半,他们都答对的题目数有多 一次数学竞赛共有20道题,小红做错了4题,小明作对了18题,小明做对题数比小红多百分之几 英语翻译他父亲一周后将抵达美国的英文翻译His father ( )( ) to America ( ) a week. 英语翻译What is “American food?” To many people,American food means hamburgers,hot dogs,and fried chicken.However,are those the only kinds of food in the U.S.Except for Thanksgiving turkey,it’s hard to find a typical “American” food.The they are going to Australia for vacation.(对for vacation)提问_____are they going to Australia_____? they are going to the south of lialy for vacation 对the south of lialy for划线提问 We are going to Hawaii for vacation.(对划线部分提问)划线部分是to Hawaii. 数学竞赛共10题,做对一题得8分,作错一题(或不做)倒扣5分,小军得41分,他做错了几道题? They are going to the beach for vacation(同义句转换) They are going to —— ———on the vacation是三个空vacation改为beach 学校进行数学竞赛,一共20道题,做对一题得5分,没做或做错1题倒扣3分,小军得了60分.小军做对了几题? They are going to Hainan( )their vacation.A.on B.in C.for D.to 一次数学竞赛中共20题,规定做对一题得5分,做错一题倒扣3分,不作的题不得分.小军在这次竞赛中全部题都做了,得了92分,他做错了几道题?用替换的思想? 古代成语有关的问题?(建筑方面的成语)勾心斗角一词最早用于古代建筑方面,后来演化成了个贬义词!请问还有一个成语也是早先用于建筑方面的,意思是褒义的?跟"勾心斗角"有点相似还望大家 Summer vacation in the USA usually comes in July ( ) August.A.or B.and C.A or B 是in summer vacation还是in the summer vacation啊?我班同学因为这个吵了一节课. in the summer vacation与during the summer vacation有什么区别 Sally 什么 in the USA in the summer vacation?中间要加什么单词,不行就算了 John visited( his grandparents) in Wuxi last summer vacation(画线部分提问) 古代形容帅哥的成语 至少10个国家的语言翻译'对不起,都是我的错',拜托了! 《你没有错、都是我的错、是我不好、我对不起你》英文是什么?英文怎么样的? 求改错.just came back fromi just came back from Britain last week .i was luckily enough to be one of the students from different country to visit the UK from Feb.16to28 We paid avisit to a good many of places,like London,Oxford or the Lack Distric I just came back from the airport 帮我翻译这句话!I just came back from.后面要接什么? just/came/from/I/vacation/back/.组句子是佳音英语6册中的, 有关古代战争的成语我不要故事 关于古代战争的成语古今中外的都可以! 古代描写战争的成语 古代战争的成语 古代战争的四字成语 have/has 后为什么是come 而不是 came ?书上出现的."What has come over you?"和"linguists have come up with what they called an…" 求解. come和came 的区别有人说came是 come地过去式,但事实好像不是~到底是怎么会事啊?