
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 17:11:00
What do I need if I want to go to Yale? 求作文,一件难忘的事.急用急用,急用 Mr Black is planting trees and his daughter is helping_____ mr.Black's daughter is eleven y空空 old this it takes me about an hour to watch TV every day 的同义句 Ms.Black and his daughter work from Monday and Saturday.xm MR.Green is watering the trees and 什么 daughrer is helping him 情谊深厚的成语要5个 汉武帝哪年登基? 汉武帝登基后做了什么 汉武帝的母亲是谁?未登基为帝时叫什么? 安装玛雅出现There is a problem with the activation code that you entered.Click one of t怎么解决注册机算出的 There is a problem with the activation code that you entered.Click one of the following links. maya2011用注册机时,出现了这个 There is a problem with the activation code that you enter出现了这个 There is a problem with the activation code that you entere.怎么回事呢?序列号试了很多遍都是一样的~ What should I get my father ______ his birthday?What should I get my father _______ her birthday?A.for B.on C.at D.in您好!如何选择?理由?A 和 B 请说明理由? 我们改为凯文的生日买点什么呢?what should we __ Kevin __ his birthday?艾米丽在十二岁时得到了一辆自行车.Emmil __ a bike __ her __ brthday.什么是你曾收到过的最不一般的礼物?what is the most __ gift you have? 1.I is a boy.( ) 2.They am apples.( ) 3.It is monday today.( ) 4.He are in Class One.( )订正错误 I need half an hour to go to school on foot.(改为同义句)It _____ me thirty minutes ______ ______ to school. They are in the------class.I have a-------class today.Do you like the----,Mr Bean?----forty books are in the bag. It's healthy to exercise for half an hour.这句话有没有语病?若有,请帮忙改一下!谢了 英语翻译《春秋左传》僖公十四年,沙鹿崩.晋史卜之曰:阴为阳雄,土火相乘,故有沙鹿崩.后六百四十五年,宜有圣女兴,其齐田乎?后王翁孺自济南徙元城,正直其地,曰月当之.王氏为舜后,土也,汉 in spit in public in public 英语翻译诸葛亮调派任务停当的停当 司马懿见了如此模样的模样 司马懿看了,心中大疑的大疑我是想要“停当”、“模样”、“大疑”三个词语的解释 Why don't you use your dictionary?(改为同义句) why don't you ask your teacher to lend you a dictionary同义句why () ()a dictionary from your teacher public是什么中文意思? 请问各位,谁知道public是什么意思?请告诉我. public什么意思 Look at this photograph of my family.There are five people in it.The tallest one is my father.Heis forty-eight years old.My mother is standing beside him.She is not as my father.She is three years younger than my father.Sitting in front of them are m 已知等比数列{an}的前n项和为Sn,且S4/S8=1/3,那么S8/S16的值为?