
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/24 00:56:18
Alice is in front of Kitty.(换一种说法,意思不变) it isin front of the library.对划线部分提问 划线部分是:in front of the library speak english 还是talk enlish Liu Tao sits in front of Ma Hua划线部分提问(划in front of Ma Hua) Susan doesn't speak English__Ann,but her handwriting is excellent.Susan doesn't speak English___Ann,but her handwriting is excellent.A.as well as B.as good as C.as better as D.so best as Will you join us to play basketball on Saturday afternoon?__________A.thank youB.my pleasure感觉似乎两个都可以啊… Which country doesn’t speak English? America is an English -----------(speak)country? 英语选择-Will you join us to play basketball on Saturday afternoon? -________,but I promised to go-Will you join us to play basketball on Saturday afternoon? will you join us to play on Saturday afternoon? 是什么意思 Sandy is 13 years old.(改为同义句) Sandy is a__ __. Sandy is 13 years old.改为同义 句.怎么写 Sandy is 13 years old. 同义句Sandy is a___ ____ ____ katy is 13 years old .sandy is 15 years old .合并为一句 Simon's hair is short Lucy is a tall girl Sandy is 13 years old 同义句 问别人喜欢什么 What's her name?如题选择A.MayB.PeterC.JohnD.Frank What's her name?I _____What's her name?I _____A、forgetB、forgotC、had forgottenD、am forgetting i dont know,image i don i dont know her i dont want to know 这几个歇后语的下句是什么?(后句要是成语)月亮底下跳舞——断了藤的西瓜——十五的月亮——一定要是成语 下列歇后语的后半句都是一句成语白日做梦—( )病好了打大夫—( )参天大树—( )搬起石头砸自己的脚—( )挨了棒的狗—( ) 谚语(俗语)“大智若愚”的下句是什么?注意是下句哦! his father came to this school fire years ago同义句转换 请问这句话是对是错?(英语)“you're only permitted to bring 200 cigarettes with you.”是对是错?我想问:with you 是否跟前面的you're重复了. What's her name?Her name's Joan White .She is White Joan.哪个是对的 Love is a lamp,while friendship is the shadow.When the lamp is off,you will find the shadow everyw这句话全部是什么意思,用中文翻译过来、 英语翻译Only further research can reveal their full empirical power;yet existing studies-from explanations of the democratic peace toendogenous tariff theory to theories relating domestic institutions and ideasto foreign policy-suggestconsiderabl 1、英语六级刷分,那原来的成绩会作废吗?2、过了英语六级后,还可以考哪些比较有含金量的英语证书? “i dont know chinese ” I've give you my heart and sold my soul 如题 Everything I do I give my heart and soul.中文是什么?