
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/24 15:24:11
一个地方的一个人不好就说那个地方的所有人都不好的成语怎么形容?或者说发生了一件事就把所有这一类似的事情都认为是这样的结果!意思是说不能看见一个坏人就把跟他有关的所有人都 急求一篇150字介绍花语英语文章要150字左右,最好介绍玫瑰,百合,康乃馨的花语,急 evening的对应词是 初三英语单选1,it was___ weather that they decided to go out for a picnic.A such fine B so fine2,have you heard of the story of Hoil?it ___ like this:there is a bad king who...A tells B comes Cgoes D says说的详细一点会很好,THANKS! 根据句意和汉语提示在空白处填入适当的单词. 根据句意在句中空白处填入一个适当的单词.1.I'm not().I don't want to eat anything.2.Sheep eat ().3.What size T-shirt would you like ,small,() or large?4.Hawaii is famous for its beautiful ().5.Her hair isn't curly.It's ().6.It 还是初三英语单选1.peter___to go to the movie,for he hadn't finished his homework .A.should leave B.has left C.should't have left Dmust have left 2.you should move back and forth while___basketball.A.to play B.are playing C.playing D.plays3.th 在下列个空白处填写适当的单词或句子,完成对话A:Excuse me .ls there a hotel near here?B:Yes .lt is 1._________the Green Street.A:2.__________________?B:No,it isn't too far.You can walk 3__________the street and turn right at the end 1.The box is too heavy for me___.A.to carry it B.not to carry it C.to carry D.not to carry(A和C有什么区别啊)2.Daddy,please remind___my bag when I go to school.A.me B.me of C.me to D.me with(renind sb to sth 与renind sb of sth 有啥区别 训诫 耸立 迂回 凝视 啜泣 纳罕 瘦骨嶙峋 心惊肉跳 头晕目眩 小心翼翼 造句!用以上的词语选择五个词语造成一段话(80字以上). 几道初三英语单选1.He is _____that everybody likes him.A.such good a man B.such a good man C.so a good man D.a so good man2.We must be strict____ourselves_____our work.A.in,in B.with,in C.with,with D.in,with给我详细的说明, 训诫、耸立、迂回、凝视、啜泣、纳罕、瘦骨嶙峋、心惊肉跳、头昏目眩、小心翼翼的拼音和解释 训诫 耸立 迂回 凝视 啜泣 纳罕 瘦骨嶙峋 心惊肉跳 头晕目眩 小心翼翼 着眼 陡峭 这12个 选出来8个 造句 夏朝属于新石器时代吗 用电器金属外壳漏电了,还要接地不是就变成了火线跟地线的短路吗? 家电有地线,金属外壳的用电器漏电时:火线直接搭到外壳上会不会电死人? 抒发诗人的壮志胸怀和远大抱负的诗三句,标明出处 对于漏电的电器,在金属外壳上接一根电线接地放电, 卖萌什么意思? 世界上谁最卖萌,啥意思? 请你作为导游,写一篇关于西安的介绍词.字数300---500字! 《在心里贴张邮票》为题 帮忙写张800字的作文吧急用 根据语境,在句子空白处填入适当的词 ⑴We should protect e__ animals.⑵You can't always__ on others.You should try to do it by yourself.⑶__I lost the match,I didn't lose heart. 根据上下文填写适当的单词补全对话A:Hello,7-4-8-double 3-2-5.B:Oh,hello.Could I ()to Lucy,please?A:I'm afraid she's ()at the moment.She's ()to the school library.Can I take a message?B:Yes.Could you tell her to()me a ring, 根据上下文,在空白处填上合适的单词,补全对话Joe:Hey,Nick.Do you want to (1)____ to a movie with me this weekend?Nick:Great!Joe:What (2)____ of movies do you like?Nick:I like thrillers and comedies.And you?J:I (3)___ Chinese action m 一个英语填空:Thank you very much ____ ____ me ____ the housework.非常感谢你帮我做家务 Could you advise me_______?A,which bool should I read firstB,what book should I read firstCthat book should I read firstDwhich book should I read first(选什么,另外能讲一下关于插入语的用法吗? 如图,AB是圆O的直径,AC为弦,P为AC延长线上一点,且AC=PC,PB的延长线交圆O于D,试说明:AC=DC 剑桥商务英语初级有用吗? 请问考bec商务英语初级有用麻? BEC初级证书有用吗 bec初级有用吗 相当于什么水平?