
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/24 15:58:29
以变迁为话题的作文要五六百字的 已“平衡与发展”为话题的高中作文. u dont want to talk with foreigner什么意思? 关于克隆的作文如何写 中英互译:1.向左转 2.一个大池子里 3.在你的右边 4.在第二个路口 5.饭店隔壁6.11点45分 7.Go along Green Road and turn right at the first crossing.8.The Wangs are looking for a restaurant.二.选择The dolphins are__and__ 英语翻译the weather 忽冷忽热 怎么表达? 为什么要这样对我,忽冷忽热的让我受不了.翻译成英语 我和妈妈关系忽冷忽热的.我喜欢唱歌,妈妈说唱歌没什么好的.(把这段翻译成英语) 为什么同在春秋战国时期,齐桓公和晋文公被称为“公”,而楚庄王被称为“王” 春秋五霸是齐桓公、宋襄公、晋文公、 秦穆公和楚庄王还是齐桓公,晋文公,楚庄王,吴王阖闾,越王勾践 春秋时期先后争霸的有齐桓公、晋文公、楚庄王,历史上称为什么? 齐桓公、晋文公、楚庄王这些霸主能够称霸的共同原因是什么? 春秋五霸四个都是“.公”,(齐桓公,宋襄公,晋文公,秦穆公),而“楚庄王”后面为什么是“王”? 六级考了两次都没过,求鼓励鼓励! The teacher asks them to look()the blackboarg a.for b.at c.on d.in The teacher asks the new students to w_____ their names. 关于辩论 人生道路上应乘胜追击 的事例 多谢 人生路上应该乘胜追击实例紧急!越多越好! 求:在人生道路上乘胜追击好 辩论题 辩论赛:人生路上应该是乘胜追击还是见好就收.我方是应乘胜追击,求辩词, 英文中try三单复数为什么直接加-s?以-y结尾不是应该以-y变i加es的吗?如题.有所疑问,特此提问, Their teacher was very happy to see that this match made them____at lest.A.quickly B.happilyTheir teacher was very happy to see that this match made them____at lest.A.quickly B.happily C.friendly D.slowly The____(child)are taking to their teacher The children said to their teacher :'would you please sing a song for us?间接引语复述 小学英语教师的资格? The children_____(talk) to their teacher now 英语翻译写简历,外资企业,中国的家庭住址中 XX 村几幢几号怎么用英语翻译? 他表哥在附近工作,他是在商店里卖自行车的 英文翻译 The teacher asked all the students in the class to keep their eyes ___.A.close B.to close C.closing D.closedzh 英语翻译current The teacher told the students to keep their eyes____.A.closing B.close C.closed a D.closes Are these your frenids? yes ____.no____