
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/24 17:36:01
“At last,he found another three boys” 中的another“At last,he found another three boys” 这里的another为什么不可以替换other或others呢? ”同桌的你”用英文怎么说? 三单加s是指什么词 it's a law firm 如题 His book,_____the year before last,still sells well.A.published B.publishing C.publishes Mr Li writing a book last year,and it sells well in our citysorry,Mr Li 和writing 中间是有一个空格的,填 finished 还是has finished?baidu现在好难使~ I borrowed a book()by J.K.Rowling from the library last week.A written B was written there was ()rain last year,so the plants didn't grow well是选择题其中little 与much我都想选水多水少庄稼都长不好,可他只选择了little我想问不选much的原因 I have written the book since last year .的同义句I have written the book ( )( )( ). 英语造句,快急用!用read newspaper造句(过去式、肯定句、否定句、一般疑问句、特殊疑问句)用climb moutan造句(过去式、肯定句、否定句、一般疑问句、特殊疑问句)每个词组造五个句子! 自然公园用英语怎么说 自然公园里有什么用英语怎么说 自然公园的英文单词是什么? 下个星期天你能去自然公园吗用英语怎么说急急 ''在自然公园''翻译成英文是什么 Do bats have eyes?Can they see well? They didn't do as well as they should haveBarry didn't do as well as he should have at a job interview today.这句话怎么翻译?should Where are the Greens ,may I ask?---------Well,they __________to England.They have been therefor nearly a week now.a have been b are going to c have gone d wiil go They have also football as well as basketball .as well as 在此句中 they don't have a name 'cause they all have their own bands as well 英语造句,1.凯特的父亲当过10年兵.2.乔丹已经离开球队好几年了.3.姚明加入美国NBA长达10年了.4.这位外国人来中国已经25年了.5.JIM的奶奶自从2000年就去世了.6.我哥哥已经入伍两年半了.7.他的姐 求各种内涵词、、、如、、撸管,揉道、之类的.最好来个解释、虽然不觉得纯洁跟自己有什么关系、、但是在博大精深的汉语面前还是低调点比较好、、 意思、含义、概念、内涵,这些词是什么意思? 中国词语的内涵寓意有没有哪个大虾知道多点关于中国词语内涵寓意,比如:过年时我不小心把盘子打碎,然后我妈妈(或其他)连忙说“碎碎平安”.本人想了解更多中国词语的寓意,希望各大 有没有哪个大虾知道多点关于中国词语内涵寓意,比如:过年时我不小心把盘子打碎,然后我妈妈(或其他)连忙说“碎碎平安”.本人想了解更多中国词语的寓意,希望各大虾知道的就说下 小 last night ,he couldn't _____ (sleep)well这个空应该填什么?为什么? -Sleep well last night?--Far from that!My next-door neighbor____music pretty loud.A playsB taken C took D take正确答案是: He slept very well last night的同义句 I slept well last night.怎么改成疑问句这个句子中是第一人称,I am 应该将am提前,改为Are you sletp well last night?但是这样改是错的,正确的改法是:Did you sleep well last night?我不知道为什么要这样改,有 a --Did you sleep well last night?---not really.My next—door neighbour____a lot of noise.A、had made B.was making C.is making D.has make请解析 解释加线的词在文中的意思 我要5个好词加意思