
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 09:16:07
跪求一份三分钟的英语演讲稿,命题为what are the responsibities of college students120字左右的英语演讲稿 1.Five multiplied______ six _____ thirty.A.by;equals B.by;are C.with;is D.with;equals equal equals 还是.等于表示 几加几 等于.这个等于除了 可以用 is 外,看到有用 eaquls 的,也见过用be equal to 的,equal 有用的么?请简单说说.等于 这个意思是,equal 应该用哪个形式?2 几加3 等于8 / 几 If five equals 4,six equals 3 and sixteen equals 7,what does twentysix equal? It's our hope to continue with considerable business dealing with you.怎么译? 电器不开长期通电可以吗 it's our hope to continue with considerablit's our hope to continue with considerable business dealings with you We hope that you will deal with our request earnestly.请问这句的正确解释是什么? I will visit beijing with my parents this summer holiday怎么回答 英语翻译而是 "our responsibility is doing (或to do) responsible for the people" who should be responsible for our old people Our work is serving the people为什么不能改写成Our work is to serve the people? 英语翻译Honor old people as we do our own aged parents. What do you do with= how do you deal with这两个同意句是这么写不? 人们常用动物的某些特性来教育人,启发人,警戒人的例子 what do you think is the best way to( deal with) global warming?为什么不​用work outwhat do you think is the best way to ( deal with) global warming?为什么用 ( deal with)不用work outwhat do you think is the best way to ( deal with) gl 2.What do you think the book __? A is deal with B is done with C deals with D does with应该选哪一个呢?为什么?谢谢 what is the best way of ----------an aram thief?-------------处选填deal with 或者do withwhat 是搭配do with的但是这里很奇怪 ——正确答案是deal with的-ing形式求理由 港大校训中Sapientia Et Virtus这些拉丁文是如何发音的? 请问拉丁语virtus怎么读啊?太想知道了~ 拉丁语音标 语文课堂如何进行情感教学 急. 英文翻译:昆明市经济技术开发区云大西路39号创业大厦330室 七年级上册第二单元作文人教版 求i could be the one歌词是DONNA LEWIS唱的 关于2009全运会作文我赶急啊!快啊!最好今天就给我啊!!!!! 浅谈如何在语文教学中进行课外阅读指导1 如何进行语文课外阅读辅导 语文课程标准(修订稿)》就阅读指导、朗读教学、课外阅读等方面作了哪些调整 港大校训“明德格物”是什么意思 He will go to Japan on business ___ next monthA in the endB in the end ofC at the end ofD by the end