
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/24 19:38:13
若a>0且b>0,则ab若a>0且b>0,则ab>0...标题打错了。- - He won't let me make another film.句中有let和make 两个动词呢,是不是省略了不定式啊. 若a>0,b>o,a+b>4,ab>4,则a>2,b>2,为什么是假命题? 求中文翻译《The slow ( 英语翻译 Why not put a(n) __ in the local paper if you want to sell your old sofa?message sign imformation advertisement -Excuse me,what can I do for you? -Yes.I'd like to place_advertisement for_used car in your paper.A.the;aB.an;/C./;anD.an;a答案是D.可以告诉我为什么C不对吗? 谢谢你了 sell your car for just $40 at carpoint.com.au it's simple! 首字母填空题:children in the us will l___their parents' homes.如果填live,后边不是得有个介词么? Parents will be proud if their children can be __to a famous university look for overlap A man is going home from Oakland to Los Angeles ____ train.He tell his wife on the ____ to meet him at the station .The train ____ many times on the way,___ he doesn't know when his train is ____ at Los Angeles.When itgets there at last ,it is five h One day,a man went home to his wife and said ,I have bought something for you ,Oh,thank yousaid his wife .what have you bought I have bought a gold ring .Here it is He help it out for his wife to see .Then he dropped it .Oh dear!he said .I have dropp 必准确,英语高手进:ldidn't meet his wife____(she her)wasn't with himhe speakese to _____(l me),and___(l 夏天多吃西瓜好吗拜托各位大神 夏天多吃西瓜好吗大神们帮帮忙 英语翻译1,2,3之后的数字,例如“4th,12th,9th”把这三个翻译一下(不是中文)把th变为复杂形式 It's also enough for me to not have to bear this here.怎么翻译 正确形式(要原因)1>Twenty minutes ______(be) not enough for me to do so much work.2>To say something ______(be) one thing;to do it ____(be) another.3>Nobody but Ann and Billy ____(be) in our classroom yesterdat.4>Whether he will go there with u 英语翻译帮我把这歌曲的歌词翻译成中文,:> ( )the end of the road was ()old man People can communicate __ many other ways.A:with B:by c:in 单项式2X的次数要写阿拉伯数字1还是汉字一? 英语翻译Many companies now advertise their products and sevices on the Internet ,and use it to find new staff.Figures published yesterday show that more and more people are also using it privately.One person in five already uses the Internet regu 写出系数是1,次数为6,且只含a,b,c三个字母的 所 有 单项式 注意:平方的那个2会被度娘压缩成阿拉伯数字的.全部、 帮我比下以下哪个作文题目最好!帮我比下以下哪个作文题目 [ 选的方面 ] 最好!1.《让自信走进心灵》类型2.《让微笑走进心灵》类型3.《让冷静走进心灵》(或《让谨慎走进心灵》)4.《让感 阿拉伯数字是阿拉伯人发明的吗 写小论文 本文采用“总-分-总”的结构行文,开头的“总”,用“_____”统领全文;中间的分,先写鲁迅______,再写他______;结尾的“总”点明了他_______.这样写,层次_______,结构严密.(六年级上册达标密卷 本文采用_____的构方式.开头的“总”,“用”“__________”统领全文,中间的“分”,先写鲁迅_______,再写鲁迅________,结尾的“总”点明了鲁迅_______. 请回答下列诗词鉴赏阅读!次韵梨花 宋—黄庭坚 桃花人面各相红,不及天然玉作容.总向风尘尘莫染,轻轻笼月椅墙东.(1) 这首诗表面赞美勒梨花的( ),实则赞美梨花( )的品质.(2)诗的 long live the 如题.啥意思? 《be what you wanna be》谁可以帮我把这首歌的英文歌词和中文翻译一句一句对照著写下来?尽量准确!急用!p.s.