
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/23 16:54:26
按首字母填空,Some students are going to eat more fruit and vegetables to k——— healthy.they find it important for them to do that if they want to get a good j————. 首字母填空Lucy r_____ putting her hat on the table.But she can not find it now.These children are play soccer o______ now. 英语 按首字母填空 在线等!Most American families are smaller than the families in other countries. Chirdren in the USA will leave their parpents'home when they g____ up.They usually live f____ from their parpents'home because they 英语按首字母填空A:I hear it's often foggy in England.B:Not now.But it r____ a lot.And it's quite cold in J______.It's the worst m_____ of the year. 英语 按首字母填空The movie ster just finished m_____ her last movie last month.Next week we're going on our shool t_____ to study about our hometown 拼音表,要分单韵母和复韵母, 英语作文:写一封电子邮件给朋友,告诉她你的一次旅游经历. 英文根据首字母填空The players has broken several world (r ) 首字母英文填空BOys and girls,please get e_ready for class 在环保竞赛中,一共有20到测试题.答对1题加5分,不答或答错一题扣3分.刘刚得了60分, 六年级举办“环保知识竞赛”答对1题得5分,答错一题扣8分,不答不得分,论论共得12分,她答了几次?答对了 根据首字母填空mr.and mrs.brown have a son and a d---------.their n------- are david and jane.they live in abig h------.there are four r------in the house.the big room is for mr.and mrs.brown.the small rooms are david's and jane's.this is david 根据首字母填空,1.That s____ like a good idea2.I don’t like math .It is d____3.We like playing computer gumes because they are i_____ 根据所给首字母填空Peter and Tom are good friends.They are from different c_______.They are now in China.They are in the s______class.Peter i_________from America.Tom c______from E________.They speak English.They b________like piaying footbal 阳光小学举行环保知识竞赛,一共20题.答对一题得8分,答错一题扣5分,没有回答得0分.李浩得了139分,他答错几题? 阳光小学举行环保知识竞赛.思考题(数学)阳光小学举行环保知识竞赛,一共20题.答对一题得8分,答错一题扣5分,没有回答得0分.王蕾得了134分,她答对了几题?李浩得了139分,他答错了几题? 莲元巷小学举行环保知识竞赛,一共20题.答对一题得8分,不答或答错一题扣5分.吴小佳得了134分,她答对了几题? 小学举行竞赛,共20题,答对一题得8分,答错一题扣5分,没有回答得0分,小王的了134分,他答对几题?小李得了139分,他答错几题? 苏格兰裙的英文介绍用英文介绍苏格兰裙 苏格兰裙英语简介急求!1分钟之内可以说完高中水平最好附有中文 苏格兰用英语怎么说 某次知识竞赛共出了25道题,评分细则如下 答对一题加四分 打错一题扣一分不答题记0分 已知李刚不答比答错的题多两道 他的总分是74分 则答对了 请答 胜利小学举行环保知识竞赛,共20道题评分标准是:答对一题的5分,答错或没答扣2分.小明的了79分,问胜利小学举行环保知识竞赛,共20道题,评分标准是:答对一题的5分,答错或没答扣2分.小 格子铺用英语怎么说如题 经营格子铺 英文怎么说?要规范点的~ 格子店用英语怎么说就是那个格子店铺, 大象的体重是50吨,比黄牛的10倍还多400千克,蓝鲸比大象的体重的25倍少20吨,他们各种几求黄牛用方程做,蓝鲸用算式做 黄牛和蓝鲸的体重各是多少?黄牛:大象的体重比我的十倍还多四百千克,大象重五吨,鲸是大象体重的25倍还少一吨 某小学举行环保知识竞赛,一共20道题,做对一题得5分,不做得0分,答错一题扣2分,共得79分, {我想就这样爱着你}英语怎么说? 有关环保的竞赛题目,全面点,我要参加科学环保竞赛 大家给我一些有关环保的只是竞赛题,