
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 16:35:49
borrow some money的中文是什么 奥巴马演讲词 generation of american made our country what it is today ...录音哪里有generation of american made our country what it is today _famers and teachers,engineers,and laborers. our country's birthday is ( ) A,on october 1sh ,1949B,in 1st octorber,1949C,in 1949,1st october D,1949,on octorber 1st The workers make bikes in this factory.改为被动语态 How many cars did the workers in this factory make in 2001?改成被动句 英语翻译语言是人类沟通的工具,是人类交流信息的重要载体.只有具备了优秀语言能力的人,才能适应人类社会发展的需要.幼儿期是学习语言的关键时期,因此我们必须重视幼儿口语表达能力 飞机场英语怎么读?(语音,汉语) 怎样评价拿破仑拜托某位文学天才帮我写下,大约600字,可以从任意方面来写, 对拿破伦的评价总评,只要800个字左右就好. Look!There ___ some boys on the playground.A.are B.is C.have如果选用have,这个句子该怎么改? there are some boys______(play) football on the playground. 以及这个句子的同义句 万分感谢! When he comes to my house tomorrow,I______(type)the letter. My friend comes to my home at 8 tomorrow morning.这个句子正确吗?可以用一般现在时表示吗? Can you lend me some money?请问它的同义句怎么该? 求关于拿破仑的评价 要公正,不偏激,最好要概括一点 字数不要太多.30字左右最好 I found some boys( ) football on the playground just now A.to play B.playing C.play D.played有人说选B---宾补,有人说选D对---宾语从句.到底哪个是正确答案啊,要加理由,说明原因啊~ Our school is very close to home.这里的to不用省略吗.When Tom grows up,he ____ abroad (go). 无业游民自学英语可否获得英语46级证书 为什么在化学反应式中,氧气可以用氧的符号来表示?元素和物质的区别是什么?在化学反应式中,为什么物质可以用元素的符号来表示?如:氧气用氧的符号O2来表示,可是氧气不是氧啊.网上抄一 some boys are playing ,___ are singing on the playground?这题用others还是th请详细说明一下范围这个怎么定义?应该不是吧,这一题主要考就是范围,有范围就用the others,无范围就用others,the playground 算不 Some boys were seen ————(play)football on the playground yesterday 应该怎样正确评价拿破仑正反两面 mum asked when yuo would come back home?此句的结构 如何检验氧气 如何检验氧气已满 检验氧气一个集气瓶中收集为鱼鳔内气体(四分之一为氧气,四分之三为二氧化碳)请检验集气瓶内含氧气,好像不能用带火星木条 find点time,find点free,take a children,go home look l垃圾百度知道客户端,提问还限制字数。。。。。。。。爱情公寓里好像曾小贤唱过这样一首歌额,这句歌词是爱情公寓哪一集的? 20.What do you think is the most ________ time to find him at home?A.like B.likely C.possibly D.probably为什么呢? You can not smoke here.改祈使句 you can not smoke here改祈使句 he sees somethings on the fiowers.改为一般疑问句. they always play basketball ( ) the playground.用in还是on还是at呀,为什么?谢谢好像 in和at 也可以吧。有人说in是英国用法, on是美国用法, at是操场边,带围墙用in等等,查字典三个都有例句,好像没