
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 15:15:10
做原产地证单据的时候有Means of transport and route这样的一个问题.我写的时候FROM QINGDAO CHINA TO HOCHIMINH CITY,VIETNAM BY SHIP 这么写就可以么? a means to和a means of的区别?我在网上看到了英文版的解释,但是我还是不是特别清楚,我先把英文版的copy上来:When we say “X as a means of Y” suggests that X is a kind of Y.For example,I might say:2) Dining out only some drivers spent more time under their cars than in them怎么理解 0 attempts have been made to reconnect.这是什么问题呢? 分析一下Where mistakes have been made……Where mistakes have been made,the responsibility rests with me.上句中where作什么成分? many people have been made homeless句中 Today,houdehold chores have been made much easier by electrical ___ A,facilities B,equipment C,appliances D,Utilities 为什么选c, “一张”用英语怎么写? His family name is Grace?和my name is Alice?一般疑问句并作否定回答 I have a pain in my legs.(改为同义句) 同义句改写 I’ve a pain in my head.My head___________. 英文字母有半角和全角之分吗? 英国当时为何不杀掉甘地?有哪些因素使印度独立?印度独立的具体过程? 山谷间潺潺的流水声是怎样产生的?急 物理小溪孱孱的流水声是怎样产生的? 山谷中潺潺的流水声产生的原因是A.由水的振动产生的B.流水撞击石头产生的C.由山谷中空气的振动产生的D.是由山谷产生的 The talent shows give people a way( to make) their dreams come true请帮忙翻译整句话,并解析为什么填to make? to give是什么时态?要不要再减掉e加ing? The best gift that a doctor can give to a p----------is to make him or her healthy and happy again根据首字母填空 介绍华盛顿和莫斯科的英文短文各一篇的的啊 高中水平就可以的 介绍华盛顿的作文(英文)60个单词六年级水准简单点 当case做盒子.箱子解释的时候,它和box有什么不同? cctv希望之星英语风采大赛资格赛晋级后怎么参加初赛南京赛区的 The girls are dancing ___(happy) undeithe old tree. I have a pain in my head.[同义句] I have . 1947年英国决定把印度分为印度和巴基斯坦,实行什么 英语翻译完整句子:Provisions have been made for losses to be sustained in the fulfillment of,or from inability to fulfill,any sales commitments. 请检验正确吗?:The invoices have been made & sent to Jesses, please be noted. (发票已开并已提交) 哗哗的流水声是怎样产生的 what shoud we do next?the first thing is find,to find a room living ,to live ,to live in 原因 His father has been in prison three times a___to our records our maths teacher has _______ Australia for a week.a.gone to b.been in c.arrived in d.been to疑问是 has gone to 怎么用?go不是终止性动词吗?为什么会有完成时的形式?我看说 has gone to 是表明去了某地还没回来,has been