
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 06:31:02
英语翻译You look as sick as a dog你看起来病得跟狗一样,为什么外国人说话这么没礼貌呢,请大家看看, no deal is a match for the puppy dog's face.match这里面代表比赛(n.这里的介词为何用for?可是这句话的意思应该是没有什么交易可以比得过小狗可爱的脸蛋。是不是电视剧里把他口语化了? Please double check or try again later是什么意思? LINEPOP点start出现Please check the network status and try again怎么办? con noe open vt.log please check the file and try again这句英语是啥意思是打错了头两个字是can not 谢谢“瑟伯切尔的亡灵”,下一步我还不知咋办啊,救人救到底吧, both放于助动词的什么位置 DNA转录RNA转录过程中,RNA聚合酶不就是把磷酸二酯键连起来,而形成RNA单链?RNA聚合酶能识别特定的碱基序列是什么意思? 一首英文歌 一男一女唱的 第一句好像是 i will be living with the shadow over head是首慢歌、很抒情、很好听 silk英文什么意思 The look on his face must have been about another aggravation entirely.1.must have been 是对过去事实的肯定性猜测?2.entirely完全地是加强must的程度性副词?3.能从语感角度分析下这句句子么,感觉有点理解模糊 ___the look on his face,the news must have been terrible.选项:a、Judge byb、Judge fromc、Judging withd、Judging by选择哪个 为什么 急 both与all的区别点和相同点 在计算机内存中什么可以存放一个英文字母? 《百分之百SILK》是什么意思?衣服上面写的 在计算机内存中一个英文字母和一个汉字站的内存一样吗?一个英文单词呢?在计算机内存中一个英文字母和一个汉字都站两个字节吗?还是一个英文单词和一个汉字是相同,都站两个字节? 一张磁盘的存储容量为 360 K,若在其中存满信息,其中汉字个数与英文字母个数相同, 则汉字有 个,英文字母 一个字节可以存储几个英文字母?几个数字字符?跪求答案? 丝巾成份标中SILK是什么意思? 有谁知道世界名胜有哪些. 100%silk+++feel++是甚么意思 100%SETA-SILK-SOIE是什么意思 100% SETA silk shirts是什么意思 用only a few或many填空:usually ( ) people take cars or buses for travelling on holidays.单独看这句,是只能用哪个(为什么?)还是两个都可以? 一个底面是圆的蒙古包,沿地面量得周长是25.12米.它的占地面积是多少平方米 This house is very big and beautiful.I think the rent must be _______ as that one.A.three times more B.three times as much C.as many three times D.as three times more 为什么选B The literary characters of the American type in the early 19th century are generally characterized by all the following features except that they__________________.A.speak local dialectsB.are polite and elegant gentlemenC.are simple and crude farmers 一个英语常识题~you would better后面接to do还是do?would be better后面接do还是to do? what is most important in the making of an excellent athlete? What was the most important for her ,the athlete told the media,was taking part in the Olypic Gamesrather than winning the medals?A.That Bwhat C it D As 为什么选B? Tom kept quiet about the accident ___lose his job.A.so not as to B.so as not to C.so as to)90.Tom kept quiet about the accident ___lose his job.A.so not as to B.so as not to C.so as to not D.not so as to “a bit” 能修是形容词么?“a little bit"的用法.“without”和“out”的区别.最好详细一点.