来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/19 23:34:21
一对夫妇均正常,且他们的双亲均正常,但双方都有一白化病的兄弟,求他们婚后生白化病孩子几率.答案是1/9 我想问怎么算啊!我怎么都算不出啊!还有一题有一对表现型正常的夫妇,生了一个白 谁能帮我做一道英语填词?急需!Which of these two dresses do you ( )?( )r( )( )e( )句子里面的答案是下面这个要填的词,请帮帮忙~~~~~ F1 F2 中国人民机智勇敢地与日本侵略者斗争的故事,要简短点 关于中国人名机智勇敢地与日本侵略者斗争的故事?稍微短一点 Chapter6 Fish story 课文翻译 英语翻译就是那个英文开头的,求这篇短文的翻译,急用.给10财富! 填词,英语的,懂英语的帮帮忙!今晚就要!long long ago ,a foolish( )was working in the field when he saw a little hare coming past and hit the tree.It btoke its ( ) ,and it was dead.The farmer ran up as ( )as he could and ( )the hare u 读故事 英语怎么写? 英语翻译give me more lovin then I've ever had.make it all better when i'm feelin sad.tell me that i'm special even when I know i'm not.make me feel good when I hurt so bad.barely gettin mad,I'm so glad I found you.I love bein around you.you make 英语看图填词阅读下面短文,并借助上下文和插图补充所缺信息.每个空格只能填写一个形式正确、与短文内容意义相符的单词.I am a Chinese boy.My English name is Bob.I live far from 1 .I often go to school by 英语看图填词,要中文意思和答案,请看图 亚热带是不是属于温度带 看图填词(英语)Today is Sunday.It is a (1) day.Lily gets up (2) in the morning.She (3) the window and looks outside.Today she wants to take a (4) in the park.There are (5) birds in the park.People can hear them (6) in the trees.Under the tre 英语翻译 英语,看图填词 英语翻译急 人教版必修一历史复习提纲 英语翻译快发个 妙语短篇a2翻译13,14,15 妙语短篇a2第13~14篇翻译 100分 英语翻译实在不好意思,1楼的我不能采用,因为……读不通啊!什么叫“一天一个公平来到附近的城市”公平能走路吗?只能说:你语文学的不好! 关于英语的填词题,在下面1 That was a (t ) climbing.We were all very (t )2 We are all (e ) about the (e ) match.3 English is (i ).I am (i ) in it.4 They are (s ) at the (s ) news.根据首字母提示,用动词+ing或动词+ed构成 the whole five hours可以和all the five hours 划等于号吗 english essay模版请教哪位高手有英语essay写作的模版,要具体一点的句子段落~越多越好~thanks!感激不尽! 急求人教版高一数学《集合与函数》测试卷 十二生肖自由的动物有那些 有关于电影《时尚女魔头》的英文介绍吗? 推荐几部有意义的英文电影,比如穿普拉达的女王.不要战争片,不要科幻片. — Where do these books ______?— Put them back ______ they were.A.go; where \x05B.lay; where \x05C.lie; to where \x05D.place; to which How lang can I ()these booksFor tow weeks these books can be o_____ online.