来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/24 07:50:58
机械原理中,运动副总反力如何确定?请问构件3与4,3与5,4与5,之间的总反力如何确定? 机械原理里面的高低副怎么判断 机械原理怎么判断高副和低副 服装机械原理中的运动副谁可以帮我举5个例子,急!常见的齿轮机构有那几种类型?各有什么特点.这个也帮忙解决下,谢谢啦,急! 英语翻译There are many different ways owners can abuse animals in their care.Some are visible without having to get close to the animal while others take a closer inspection.If an animal is wearing a collar and it is so tight,it is cutting into t 英语翻译On our way from the city of Renhuai to Maotai,we could smell the fragrance of wine becoming stronger as we drew nearer.We found wine jars and large wine containers in front of every house on both sides of the road.A local official said th 英语翻译Students Who VolunteerMario Green and Mary Brown from Riverside High School give up several hours each week to help others.Mario loves animals and wants to be an animal doctor.He volunteers at an animal hospital every Saturday morning.Mar 硅铝合金发黑黑斑,到底是什么?该用什么实际去除? 英语翻译In many English families,people eat four meals a day :breakfast,lunch ,tea and dinner.People have breakfast at any time from seven to nine in the morning.They eat porridge,eggs or bread.English people drink tea or coffee at breakfast.Lunc 加入铝合金中的硅什么纯度最好?请教知道的了我最近上班,估计老板在考验我,他下命令叫我联系硅石厂家买进硅石,我不知道怎样的硅石才能满足这个要求?非常着急! 求助机械原理的一道问题 硅铝合金的溶点 问一道机械原理的题目~~两个平面机构的自由度都是1,现在用一个带有两个铰链的运动构件将它们串联成一个平面机构,则自由度等于多少?为什么~~谢谢啦 图示为圆柱齿轮-蜗杆传动.已知斜齿轮1的转动方向和斜齿轮2的旋向1)在图中啮合处标出齿轮1和齿轮2所受轴向力Fa1和Fa2.2)为使蜗杆轴上的齿轮2与蜗杆3所产生的轴向力相互抵销一部分,试确 一道机械原理的题,在图示机构中,P为驱动力,Q为生产阻力、虚线小圆为摩擦圆,移动副的摩擦因素为μ,画出各运动副中总反力的作用线. 求解答一道机械原理问题如下图,这下图片能看到吗 铸造铝合金里硅起到什么作用,其他元素有什么作用, 铝合金的用途有那些 硅的用途电子工业上做________材料,做计算机的_______,半导体的________. 英语翻译My name is Betty Sanders.I'm a telephoneoperator(话员),and work for a company.My jobis very interesting.I love it very much.I work fivedays a week,and my hours are from 9 o'clock to 5o'clock.I do a lot of things--I place long-distance( 英语翻译Kunming,YunnanApril 2nd,2002Dear editor(编辑),I live in a beautiful city.Many visitors come to my city.There are so many colorful peacocks (孔雀)here.The peacocks mostly live on the grass land of Dongfeng Square(广场).Th 帮我翻译一下这篇英语短文,语言要合理点啊Pollution means making Earth's environment dirty with bad or harmful substances. They harm people's health and lower their quality of life. Pollution can also harm animals and plants. There ar 英语翻译Have you ever been on a bus when someone answered a telephone loudly?Have you ever been in a taxi when the driver pressed horn?You probably answer “Yes”,but you ever tried to stop for a moment and listen to the silence?Probably not,si 机械原理:齿轮问题.当两齿轮安标准中心距安装时,为什么一个齿轮的节圆应该与分度圆重合?推导过程是怎么的啊? 问个机械原理关于齿轮的问题渐开线齿轮的中心距不影响瞬时传动比(i12=z2/z1),但书上又说有侧隙不能定传动比,当中心距大于标准中心距时就有侧隙了,这不矛盾了吗? 机械原理一道关于齿轮的题(Z-2.5)m=mzcos20 这个式子左边为什么要减个2.这个2.5怎么来的? 谁能帮我回答《机械原理》有关齿轮参数的这道题啊?已知某对渐开线直齿圆柱齿轮传动,中心距a=350mm ,传动比i=2.5 ,ha*=1 ,c*=0.25 ,根据强度等要求模数 必须在5 、6 、7 三者中选择,试设计此对齿 英语翻译H1N1病毒源自于墨西哥,是一种十分可怕的流行性病毒.现在它通过各种途径传染到了世界各地,许多人对此感到十分害怕.中国也有多人传染,他们大多是从国外受传染的.得H1N1的人会发 英语文章翻译(初一水平,别用机器)SalariesIn the United States, you probably shouldn’t ask the question “How much money do you earn?” Many people think that their salary is private information. However, you can find out the typic 怎么根据pkpm算出的箍筋配筋面积配箍筋? 机械原理 自由度计算1计算机构自由度2指出复合铰链 虚约束 局部自由度3如果该机构有确定的运动 原动件数应为多少 机械原理自由度计算,这个高副在哪里?有图说有两个高副,求高手.还有图中间这个线条构成的架子是什么东西?