
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 03:49:53
Does he often do some cleaning? Does he often do some___(shop) he often does some ( 旅游) on holiday he often does some activity after class哪错了 色香声味触法中的”法”,具体指什么? 以(A busy afternoon)为题写一篇英语作文 跪求一篇英语作文!以《my busy week》为题.拜托了、是写五一假期的事,用过去式来写,不少于五句,但也请不要太长.六年级水平左右.拜托各位大神了.(最好星期六下午前写好!有追加) SAT语法 would of 在题中用法错误,请问正确用法? that在句中的意思,并解释为什么用would,是什么语法现象This time he was barking so that someone would let him I LONG REGRET THAT I HAVE BAT ONER LIFE TO LUSE FOR MY XIAOHEI,是什么意思啊?谢谢拜托大家,是朋友让翻译的 下面的句子用英语怎么说无论发生什么我都会和你在一起.患难与共.我永远都会支持你的. (下面的句子英语怎么说?)bob 想和 jenny 去打排球(英语怎么说?) “自强不息 “载”读第几声? 马叫的声音用词语怎么说? SAT语法 2012-1-sec6-28 that为什么没错啊主要想问一下IS 和ISE中that的错因有没有差别.到底什么算指代不明?何时that做代词必错? D和E选哪个?D和E中的that是干嘛的?怪怪的.SAT语法.急. 英语作文First impressions假如你是李华,你们班下周英语班会主题是“First impressions ”.请根据所给要点提示写一篇发言稿,阐述如何给人良好的第一印象.要点如下:1衣着:整洁、得体;2态度:热 word came than Linda won the first prize in the English test yesterday.为什么word 前不加The 求 一首英文诗 急! 求一首用英文写的诗如题,歌颂我们的口语老师(外教)Caro,最好带有译文,至少10行 完形填空以one of the most remarkable things about the human mind is our ability toimagine the future Loyalty is human the most important virtue! I think this is the most extraordinary collection of talent, of human knowle不小心输错了正确的是:I think this is the most extraordinary collection of talent, of human knowledge, that has ever been gathered at the White Ho.求翻译 人教版六年级上册语文14课最后一段读了你有什么感受不少于200字是《鹿和狼的故事》好的话加50——100分 作文《A special gift》200字 She will play volleyball next Sunday.(对画线部分提问) ________ ________ will she play next Sunday? 一个四一个革一个马,组成一个字怎么读? 一个生一个马是什么字 Which city doesn't belong to this group?A.Bei jing B.London C.New York D.Paris which city is different from the others?London,rome,beijing,Tokyo,New York,Mocow,Brussels,ottowa Which city is in france ,new york or paris which one is different from the other three? a.london;uk b.washington d.c; usa c.pairs;franced. shanghai ; chinese