
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 07:15:06
the read in don’t sun please连词成句 连词成句 1.the,read,in,don't,sun,please 2.black,all,like,I,at,don't 改错 That's important for us to practise speaking English.How do you think of your school?it's Bbeautiful. 用所给词的适当形式填空There____(be) some milk in the glass. to practise all the time is the key to make progress in english为什么要用to practise以及用make,而不用making? 俊熙请大家帮忙取个好听又少见的英文名!好听而且少见的哦 林俊熙 好听 而且少见哦!附上发音和含义。 人生就像句号,圆满而充实,人生就像逗号,因由续音而充满希望 排比句 人生就像句号,圆满而充实;人生就像逗号,因有序因而充满希望;仿写 生活是一系列的逗号,不是句号,这句话怎么理解啊.最好举个例子. 买椟还珠的寓意? “Read in the sun,please.”改为否定句怎么改啊这是暑假作业中的一个题啦,我实在是想不出来了,麻烦大家帮我想一想吧! Read in the sun.(否定句)明天交,现2分钟回答 forty-nine bikes 求翻译 xukur alla bargan harber kunug ga 有可能是维语. 买椟还珠的意思 青岛哪里有卖转换插头的(韩国买的电器到中国用)我在韩国买了一个照相机,其电池充电器的插头是圆的是和韩国的插座相配套的,而且韩国交流电压虽然也是220伏,但是其频率和国内不一样, 哪有卖韩国转换成中国的插头的 我在韩国 准备回国,在韩国买的电器回国用不了,在哪有卖韩国转换成中国的转换插头呀 when winter comes,the days get ( ).A,longer and longer B,shorter and shorterC,long and long D,short and short Could you please give me a hand?选哪个1.No,thanks2.you're welcome3.Yes,I could4.Sure,what is wrong? follow him的中文意思是什么 Could you please (give) me a hand? him的中文是? I du feel YOU 哎耶呀啊中间有两秒停顿是哪首英文歌曲 连词成句:a,hand,give,could,please,me,you HIM ——could you please be_____give me a handA.kindB.kind enoughC.so kind as toD.as kind as为什么选C So...As不是用于否定中的吗? him的中文是什么 could you please give me a hand,Tony?A .Yes,I could B Certainly,I am coming now.C .No,I couldn't C,Yes.I 'd like to选哪个,说明理由 欧洲还用不用转换插头RT现在要去德国法国荷兰比利时奥地利之类的国家的酒店还需不需要转换插头? 欧洲转换插头是什么样的? i found him ____(crowd) by boys he is not a ------ delighted boy.i am-----troubled by him.选什么,为什么A very,much B MUCH,MUCH Cvery ,better D many ,better