
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/24 09:09:57
长江远看像什么要比喻句 谁有做人的道理有网站就发网站过来 谁能教我一些做人的道理,实际一点的谢谢.我经历过的例如:那是06年的时候,我去我舅妈家里,认识了她弟弟.(并不是很熟,第一次见面)我那时叫他舅舅,因为他的手机没一些功能,我就借给了 形容以后的日子可以用什么词来表达急!急!急! 形容日子过的很快的四字词语四个字的 英语翻译不是像Wu Haichen 这样的 What's _____?There are many people over there. There are _people over there .What's happening?A a few B little C a little D few there are many people over there .i wonder what's __Agoing B going on C going at D goingin dancing lots of see people you did over there 月光洒满大地改成比喻句怎么改?我带着书去旅行改成拟人句怎么改? 月光洒向大地改为比喻句 描写月光的比喻句不是诗句 英语六级成绩分析!您的成绩总分:351听力:91阅读:163综合:27写作:70、、帮我分析一下 ,哪地方是弱点~ I have lots of fun in the English club改为同义句I _in English club 请帮我分析一下英语六级成绩09年6月的六级,总分407分,听力130阅读200综合26作文51想要12月再考,争取下次考好 Tom said,"We are listening to the pop music."改为间接引语 She said that she _______(enjoy)listening to music .请高手精心解答并说明理由 Tom is listening to music.对listening to music经行提问 Tom and I ____ music now.A.are listening to B.am listening to C.are listening D.listening to选哪个,为什么? 英语不好怎么唱英语歌曲我连音标都不会 除非像拼音一样的会读下去 怎么样唱英语歌曲 如果学英语要很长时间背单词麻烦 还有就算会背了很长时间不用英语会忘记的 六级成绩分析刚考完的六级成绩没过呀,郁闷,也不知道怎么提高了,帮忙指点一下小弟该从哪个地方提高英语成绩啊,尤其是哪个综合成绩太笼统了,thank you!..听力 综合 阅读 作文 总分六级 133 25 形容日子过得快的句子 帮我分析一下我的英语六级成绩吧、这分不知道是怎么给的,大致情况如下图.我现在应当从哪些方面补起?给点经验吧.呵呵. 有没有形容日子苦的诗句最好是在加上心中的远大理想和抱负 They asked me to have a drink with them.I said that it was 10 years since I( )a good drink.A.had enjoyed B.was enjoying C.enjoyed D.had been enjoying Monica and Sophia asked me to have a drink with them.I said that it was at least ten yuans since I had enjoyed a good drink 为什么用had enjoyed The girls asked if they ____ some food and drink with themA.took B.take C.takes D.will take为什么选A啊,if不是是否的意思吗,不应该用将来时吗? “They have none of them much to recommend them”中的两个“them”分别怎么解释,代指什么.这句话来自小说傲慢与偏见第一章 many people believe there are a in space Is __ your pen ?That is his pen. A.that B.this C.her D.his.可以告诉我为什么?谢谢 is this my pen and that pen your is 怎么连成句子?