
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/24 05:32:48
甲乙两仓货物重量比是7:8,如果从乙仓库运6吨到甲仓库,那么甲乙两仓库货物相等.求甲乙两仓各有多少吨? 古诗十五从军征全诗全部 关于 语文与生活 的现代诗歌请大家帮帮忙!给个答案~ Look at the clouds,It ( )rain.A.will B.is going to C.must D.certainly look at the clouds.It will p____ rain this afternoon.中的p____是什么? 甲乙两座粮食仓库,甲仓库100吨粮食,从乙仓库运1/3到甲仓库乙比甲少1/9.乙原有几吨? Look at the black clouds,it( )rain.A.will B.is going to 谁知道小学冀教版一到六年级的所有古诗及诗词?有急用,是冀教版的!不要弄错了,要所有的! 冀教版一至六年级语文书的古诗词,要全部的!(急~) 甲,乙两个仓库粮食原来吨数比是6:3,如果从甲库运90吨放入乙库,这时两仓库吨数相等,甲,乙原来各有多少吨? 冀教版一至六年级语文古诗词 1还有名人名言 甲,乙两个仓库原来电视机台数之比是3:1,现在从甲库运240台到乙库,这时甲,乙两库之比是3:5,甲,乙% 冀教版六年级上册语文书上的古诗词都有什么呀? 甲乙两仓库各有粮食,从甲运4分之1到乙后又从乙运出4分之1到甲两库各有90吨,原来甲乙各有多少吨? It seems that it will rain tonight.同意句 It seems that it will rain tonight 同义句转换 It_____to______ _______ to_______tonight呃、急哇. It seems that it will really rain ,__ ___?改为反意疑问句 同义句转换It seems that it's going to rain.=It seems ____ ____. 甲乙两库共有粮食360吨,从甲库运40吨到乙库,乙库比甲库多10吨,甲乙两库原来有多少? 一年级~六年级语文教科书上/下册的古诗词(请按顺序) 一年级到六年级语文书中的诗词,文言文 look at the sky!It ____rain.oh,I hope ___.I ____ have a picnic.A goes,so,am going to B will go,not,will Cis going to ,not,am going to Look at the sky.I am sure it _(rain). 甲乙两仓库的大米共150吨,从甲仓运出七分之二后,乙仓库与甲仓库的大米比为6:7,原来两仓各有大米多少吨? When you feel hurt and your tears are gonna to drop.Please look up and have a look at the sky onceWhen you feel hurt and your tears are gonna to drop.Please look up and have a look at the sky once be longs to us ,If the sky is still vast,clouds are s 一年级至六年级写景古诗词(人教版) 甲乙两袋大米共88千克甲的三分之一于乙的五分之四相等甲乙两袋大米各重几千克? Look at these clouds,___.A.It'll rain B.It's going to rain q:look at these clouds.,It_____soon,I'm afraid.a:A.is going to rain B.is raining C.will rain D.w Look at these clouds!Maybe there 's going to be (雨) this evening A rain B rainy c raining look at the clouds.it()soon.A.is raining B.is to rain C.will rain D.is going to rain 不只是古诗词,还要儿童诗,七律长征什么的也算