来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 17:44:48
我在给音箱接线的时候两条线碰在一起了引起的短路会不会把电线烧断?我的线也在发热,而且很烫手!是卫星音箱(2.1立体声的一个卫星右声道小音箱) I like to go outside first翻译中文 would u like to share first?请翻译中文 If every time is like the first翻译下 《get it beauty》中的音乐《get it beauty》是档美容的节目.每次出现前后化妆对比时候的音乐,是什么歌曲? Get it Beauty Self是什么 Get it beauty self雪莉用了哪些化妆品 求化妆品名称 Get it Beauty Self 娜娜用了哪些化妆品请把每件化妆品的牌子都告诉我好么,尤其是那个高光,真的超喜欢. Lucy is the ______(tall) of the two.中间该填什么 Mike sings the_______(well)of the three a short fat man was seen____(breathe)heavily at the corner of the street at 10p.m.last night Robots will do lots of chores in the future(对lots of chores提问) the ators told lots of jokes. I saw someting___(usual) at the corner of the park last night 解释一下水的漩涡形成的原因据说与地球的自转有关,但不知具体的成因. 漩涡形成的原因? 别人送了一盒油,上面全是英文,看不懂!上面写着BEAUTY RUSH第一瓶油是Juiced Berry 第二个瓶是Crazy for Love 第三瓶是Plumdrop 英语翻译 课文填空 非洲的______.______._______._________.都是彩色的?(5年纪下册语文书) W will meet at the corner of the street.同义句 The students in places where there are rives and lakes go to school by b_____.这一句话最后一空应该填boat,为什么不能填bus? you have to be lieve in you self,That's the secrets of success,翻译成中文是什么? 浑黄一体的浑是什么意思a水不清b骂人糊涂c全,满d天然的是几都错,是d我老师讲评完了 his is the only person to whom you turn for hrlp in the world.为什么加在whom前面?去掉可以吗 从氢氧化铜的悬浊液中分理处氢氧化铜的操作是? 氢氧化铜悬浊液为什么不宜长期放置? from A out of B和 from A into B 英语翻译通常情况下是表达什么样的意思 像凯莉克莱森的《be still》这首歌里的歌词 be still,let it go 该怎么翻译?如果可以的话 能不能翻译一下这首歌? rush out of 和rush out from It's very kind of you to work out the problems It's very __of you to work out the problem for me. the word of out I prefer shutting myself in and listening to musicThat's ( ) I don't should have a more active life.A.where C.when D.whatI don't agree 缺状语.为什么是状语?状语是什么?我好像越来越搞不清楚什么状语了?