
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 03:36:23
My mother is going to Guangzhou tomorrow(同义句) My mother is( )( )Guangzhou tomorrow She s___ helps her mother clean the house Lily always helps her mother _______(clean)the house. 1.It is January 1.(对划线部分提问) 2.He is going to clean the house.(对划线部分提问)1.划线部分是January 1 2.划线部分是clean the house 用你们能像,像,像 如果不能,.的句式造句想 怎样用“没有.怎会.”句型造句?如题 英语经典句型, 用从来没有句式造句谁能帮我用:从来没有……也从来没有…… 造句?帮帮我啦!~@^_^@~ 怎么样学英语语句?我连造句都不会的哦 That day,I found the little girl was crying.这句话有was吗? 阅读题a man ie going to the house of a friend.It is The man ____ you are going to make friends is my father’s neighbour. 他打算去参观他朋友的新房子.He is going to [ ] his friend’s new house. A man was going to the house of some rich person.As he went along the road,he saw a box of goodapples at the side of the road.He said,"I do not want to eat those apples; for the rich man will give me much food; he will give me very nice food to eat." A man is going to see his friend. 怎样做到英语发音g,k舌后部翘起?读k和g的时候舌头总是不自觉地舔一下上颚,即使读中文也是这样,舌头后部应该怎样翘起?我非常希望有一个人,到底差在哪里? 请教一道英语句型转换问题 What’s wrong with you,Sandy?What _______ ______ you,Sandy? 怎么抬高舌头的后部?(英语发音是说要舌头的后部抬高,顶住口腔上部,我不懂怎么抬)我觉得舌尖好灵活,可是抬高舌头后部好难啊,有没有什么练习方法?就是如下图所示 一道英语的句型转换 Celebrating my birthday with my family great.(同义句)It is great _______ ________ my birthday with my family.三克油啦 英语发音教学中,舌前部中部和后部是如何区别的?如题.我看李阳的发音教程,里面涉及舌位的问题.如,发中元音时,舌中部要隆起,舌中部具体是舌头的哪个位置?前部和后部呢? 调侃 用英语怎么说 The little girl_for help when she saw a mouse under her chair. 来几句稍微幽默的英语例句,空乘面试用的.急用! 我做了一个小小的恶作剧用英语怎么说 “板寸”的英文怎么说?就是那种剪的极短的头发.英文怎么说? 上学用英语怎么写 请问“万用板”的英文怎么说?有没有高手可以告诉我“万用板”的英文怎么说? 中英文幼儿园用英语怎么说 英语发音吐舌头如何掌握 广州有没有教美语的幼儿园啊? 广州有没有口碑比较好的英语幼儿园啊? 巴旦木是什么这东西有什么好.