
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/24 01:14:57
急求这句话that引导的从句类型ibut the truth is that many of our greatest figures were given to daydreaming,indecision,dullness.. 我是英语初学者,我总喜欢把英语(主要是语法那些)和语文对照,但是都不能解释我心中的疑惑,如:通过主谓倒装将带有BE的陈述句变为一般疑问句,我会把中文的解释也“主谓倒装”下.是不 怎么打出这个字第二个字我打不出来,我用的是搜狗输入法 you can find the shop the corner of this roadA at B in 是at the corner 还是 in the corner,我记得好像是后者 Go straight down the road,you'll find the shop.哪错了 "Go down this road ___ you find a space free," the camper said.A when B be foreC until D as soon as请问这道英语单选选哪个呢?请告知为什么选那项,别的为什么不选?最后还请翻译一下这句话.. 英语祈使句句子前面用动词原形?今天做了一道改错题是Go straight down the road,you'll find the shop这个改错题最后有两种改法①是将go改going表主动②是将and加在you'll前面提问:老师说②是因为这两 he used to play basketball every sunday的意思是什么 马克思哲学的几个选择题、多选题、判断题第二题、多项选择题(每题2分,1、人生观与世界观的关系在于( A、人生观是世界观的重要组成部分 B、世界观是人生观的理论基础 C、人生观是 谁能帮我打出这个字 哲学判断题把握适度原则就是任何时候都不能超出度的界限这句话的对错,原因 高中哲学判断题1.量变是质变的必要准备.2.质变是量变的必然结果3.静止是一种特殊的运动4.物质是运动的物质 问几个哲学的判断题判断并说明理由1有用就是道理2不断发展的科学技术必定会为人类创造一个无限美好的未来3当前经济全球化对发展中国家都是利大于弊我知道是错的。。。问你理论。。 it's reported that the way people spend their holidayhas changed a great deal in the past ten yearthe way by whcih people spend their holidayhas 不是宾语从句吗?为什么上面的句子the way没有介词,类似in.on, go home和in their homes的HOME一词有何区别呢?前者是做副词,后者做的是名词,可数可加S.at their homes, In past years,even board members have confided to friends their concern that Jobs,in his quest...In past years,even board members have confided to friends their concern that Jobs,in his quest for privacy,wasn't being forthcoming enough with directors 辩证的否定实质是什么 辩证否定的实质是什么 否定之否定的实质是对立面的统一,体现了事物自己运动的深刻内容,包括两次否定三个阶段,即( )A.对肯定的否定 B.对否定的否定C.否定之否定 D.否定我选参abc考答案abcd请高人指点, 辩证否定的实质是? 不定积分dx/(x^2√(x^2-a^2))怎么求 1.I a_____think of her in that dress.第二个单词是什么 your are out of your mind 意思是? He wanted to take some servants with him.为什么不用himself而用him?用himself才能反过来指主语自己吧 pass me dictionary next to the radio,and I also need pen to take some notes.pass me ) dictionary next to the radio,and I also need ) pen to take some notes. For Tom’s mother,it is boring (clean)the rooms every day clean那个clean 应该是什么形式,比如什么三单,ing啊之类的这种形式,应该是那种形式, 李小鹏婚礼上唱的英文歌叫啥名 用恋组 成好听点的词 如 恋敏.情感一点的词啊 英语翻译老子曰:“柔胜刚,弱胜强.”汉文帝以柔御天下,刚强者皆乘风而靡.尉佗称号南越,帝复其坟墓,召贵其兄弟.佗去帝号,俯伏称臣.匈奴桀敖,陵驾中国.帝屈体遣书,厚以缯絮.虽未能调伏, 《汉文帝召罢季布》的题目 that is why and that is becausethat is why后面跟的是结果,译为:“那是(为什么).的原因” 例如:Tom overslept this morning.That is why he was late for work.汤姆今天早晨睡过头了.那是他上班迟到的原因.that is 申请加拿大的校外work permit需要什么材料?怎么申请?目前中国护照