
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/24 15:08:13
My car has broken down would you help me _____?a.My car has broken down would you help me _____?a.To get the car to startB.Get the car start C.To get the car started D.Get to start the carKey:C.Why 辩论赛>:诚信是个人问题还是社会问题我们的观点是社会诚信了,个人就诚信了! 辩论赛--诚信缺失是个人问题/诚信缺失是社会问题我方是反方,观点是“诚信缺失是社会问题”,请帮我出两个实例证明这个观点.并帮我想两个问题提问正方. 英语高手、快进【悬赏】A: Welcome to Shanghai.B: -(回答神马)-【完成对话】 第二十九届奥林匹克运动会已经结束,北京现在是什么样子呢?用下列的提示写一篇小短文!(英语)①more trees and grass②more visitors③improve our environment④keep ourselves fit字数不用太多, 英语反义词悬赏20!高手快进!追加悬赏哦!heie-_______ out-________ down-______hot-________ cool-________ mother-______ on-________ interesting-_______ ends- 快进 有关 English1.Supermarkets are necessary .People usually spend ____ time finding things they want,but they usually spend____ money than they want.第一个空填less 我知道,但为什么第二个空要填more ,money不是不可数名词吗 )4.This desk is broken.It needs _______.A.to mend B.mending C.to be mend D.not mend Would you like to go and drink some coffee?改为同一句 This car needs () .A.mend B.mending C.to mend D.mended本题考点有哪些?语法有哪些? it needs to mend 还是it needs mending.不定式不是可以做宾语吗?这里为什么不能用不定式? It needs mending和It needs to mend.到底什么区别,平时习惯用哪种表达 His bike is broken .It needs _____soon.A be repair B to mend C to be repaired D being mend 英文介绍Harry James Potter要求:1:Nane of the film2:main actor3:main idea4:comment1.2都不太重要,我查得到,重要是3.4太多.一节课讲不完的,摘点重点,分好段落,4呢?可恶的,忽悠我么,这明明是文章大意 柯南英文名是什么? Fill each of the following blanks with one suitable word.A year in China teaches you,among other things,a great respect for the elements.I don’t suppose that _1_ climate here is any worse than that of,say,New York.The big _2_ is that,unlike New Yor y(1)=4.y^{3} 送分ing...1.明明家买新房,用了34万元,比计划少用了15%,节约了多少元? 我数学很差的. 哈利波特的英文是 Harry Potter just fun My brother wants to go to c____________ when he grows up八下.第一单元吧、、1.college 1.His brother wants to be a ____ (science) when he grows up. My brother wants to be an a___ when he grows up ...根据句意及首字母提示补全单词 干什么会感到有成就感~ 什么事情让你有极大的成就感? 概率论与数理统计重要吗,该用什么样的心态和方法去学呢? 随机数学方法 概率论与数理统计 哪个比较难 1972和1982这两个数分别减去同一个数,得到的差是不同的两个质数,这个四位数是多少? 税率=利息=1千克糖的4分之3与3千克糖的4分之1().一个数乘一个真分数,积()这个数,除以一个真分数,商()这个数.3乘5分之1=4分之1×几分之几=2×()=几分之4×3=0.1×()=()完成同一次的 数学问题! (急求中ing...已知两恒力F1=i+2j,F2=4i-5j(其中i,j分别为x,y轴上的单位向量)作用于同一质点,使之由点A(20,15)移到点B(7,0),试求:(1)F1,F2分别对质点所做的功;(2)F1,F2的合力对质 英语选择求解析i'd like to accept the job_____.Welcome aboard.A it's up to you B.it's settle thenC i have got it D that's a good point 求英语选择答案