
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/16 19:05:47
I can't say I did anything wrong.和I can't say I did nothing wrong .第一句是我不能说我什么都没错,那第二句呢?还是第一句的意思有我不能说我什么都错。 Have you people feel sorry for you. 择去掉提手旁加上绞丝旁 before have we seen it before and must forgotten it麻烦帮忙翻译下并且连起来,急 to see what you have seen before it has happened 尤其是 before it has hap尤其是 before it has happpened 为什么用完成时呀?thanks 28元的英文怎么说? ‘28元’的英语是什么? 谐字去掉言字旁加个提手旁念什么? 择拿掉提手旁在加上边旁有那些字(要词语)越多越好 "携"去掉提手旁,再加个边旁是啥字? 我的妈妈非常忙,and she often comes home ___ wor very late we could have had it all We could have had it all怎么读这是我听一首歌的一句,感觉她就唱出we 库带vi偷省略了好多 托福口语 人际交往good manner 重要么 求point 和 内容 可以录音 撑45秒 正常语速 帮忙提供一下英语范文"The Important Of Good Manner"1.Good manners are important on campus.2.They are necessary everywhere.3.Your observation of civility in school. good manner 真心求教:怎么取英文名字啊?请看``王冰和卢杰 该怎么取?比如像周杰伦的:JAY CHOU 李小龙的:BLUSE LI…………PS:可以简单说下换成英文名字的步骤或原因吗? 真心寻求帮助.帮忙起个英文名吧.我是女生.单名一个冬字.因为看到起英文名最好还是和中文名有相关最好.找了很长时间,Donna是最相近的,但不太喜欢.我喜欢读起来三音节的名字,那样比较好 Internet Presence怎么翻译 翻译互联网 翻译以下内容来自互联网 英语翻译NGN要想实现网络兼容,现存的各种网络都将作为边缘网络接入核心IP网络,为了解决异构网络的互通,这时就必须用到网关技术. yes,I think I should also never give up,oui tomorrow other day.. YES,I THINK SO 是什么意思? It---------- (be) four years since I moved here. 女生回答,如果男朋友能够把日记给你看,你怎么认为?你们写日记吗? 阅读Ann的日记, 回答后边的问题文章: Saturday sunny Today Tommy Lily John and Igo to the Water Park . We draw some pictures.John likes taking photos. He takes a lot of photos there. I like swimming. I have fun swimming in the pool. Tom manner 和behavior的区别It's bad( )for a man to smoke in the public places where smoking is not allowed. 写manner还是behavior,谢谢! politeness 与 manner有什么区别 cholidren learen (礼貌)by watching thier parents怎么填啊 答案是manners为什么不是politeness manner,goods,greens,works,looks,papers,manners是什么意思 do you think Jim should go to a doctor?Yes,i think_____ a.it b.this c.so 求六年级阅读笔记4片 .