
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 21:01:44
翻译"执子之手,与子携老;生死契阔,与子相乐‘ 抢劫他的包 用英语怎么说用短语, How to DotA 5 How to Fail in DotA 2里面的歌曲名字,尤其是最后的那首电子舞曲地址是 You are too fake,or am I too seriously? 怎样下载英语发生词典在电脑上用 有没有可以下载在电脑中的不用网络就能查的英汉词典,最后版本好一点牛津什么的,英汉双解 In Finland,the teachers are the standard.请问这里为什么不用standards?明明前面是“are”? 电脑上怎么下载牛津高阶英汉双解字典 nothing something enough前后都跟什么词啊 any other 后接名词单数还是复数?I have not as yet found any other acceptable job(s). 谁有粉末注射成型标准MPIF Standard 35, Materials Standards for Metal Injection Molded Parts?谢谢!注意是MIM部分 哪个品牌的血糖仪测量的准?有用过芬捷血糖仪的人吗?怎么样? the other +名词单数表示另一个,是表示两者的另一个还是三者及以上的另一个?如果是两者另一个请问on the other day怎么解释.如果是三者另一个,请问那如果我想表示两者其一该怎么表示.(不能 Two____from the USA went to the moon many years ago.(pilots/astronauts) 我被打劫英文怎么表达 抢劫者的英文? 英语短文改错With the living standard rises ,With the living standard rises ,there is a large amount waste on campus,For example,some students tend to leave the light on during the day and water run after washing.They also throw away the food wh I think ______ many tourists on the moon in 100 yearsAthere were Bthere will be Cthere will have Dthere is going to be you look unhappy today,plese tell me your w___为什么用worries 请详解 谢谢! _____________ the membership of a particular nation.填一个英语单词,代表后面的解释的意思.忘了,是以n开头的单词 根据提示填空:You'd better take this __.括号里的那句话是什么意思? a particular part of a country or a town按照意思写出单词,是一个a开头的,急area我也想过。但总觉得不正确 someone who knows a lot of about a particular subject is called s.叫什么,s开头的. burger怎么读 请问什么叫做 "burger flippers" 阿 翻译不过来. GRILL ASSEMBLE BURGER 职业名 帮忙翻译成中文 vegetative activity是什么意思 activity recent activity是什么意思 physical activity是什么意思 这段话的意思是什么?我该怎么回答他?陌生城市里拼凑好我的心碎.我站在故事结尾.看透了爱的迂回.完美的机会微乎其微.是否从此该无所谓.我站在人群周围.多想就一去不回.如果下一站不是 ..请尽快回答you provide my best friendyou provide me withjoy and LOVE...showing you beling together.