
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 21:17:50
How nice the watch is!同义句It's ____ _____ nice watch 表目的:He worked day and night for getting the money./He worked day and night to get the money.这两都有何区别? The soldier aimed his gun at the enemy的英文解释 The soldier raised his gun and calmly_____it at the enemy commander,fired.A.aiming B.aimed C.to aim D.aim为什么选A. The young soldier ___(die) for his country.It makes his comrades sad.我填了died可是答案是has dead我觉得,it指代上文,应该是死了这件事啊,如果用现在完成时,指代什么去呢?He left his homework at my room.Don't forget to fought for his country to be free from the UK in a peaceful way 翻译 Kate is one______the fastest girls in her class. India has the second( )population in the word.A:mostB:largestC:moreD:many 请问min wei如何起英文名?我姓陈! 将句子She helps me study English.用help...with...改写句子改写句子 Korea Fucking Country! 我的名字li wei zhen 谁可以帮我改个英文名 It tastes bad.还是badly? question能与冠词连用吗? have a question pleaseQ1 现在的年轻人在中国谁是你最喜爱的电影明星Q2 近来中国年轻人在韩国最想去的地方是哪里 The City Mouse and the Country Mouse读后感.不要说I feel it is a good story. the city mouse and the country的读后感(英文的) And now the rest of our troops will be home for the holidays什么意思? 已知,三角形ABC中AB=AC=10cmBC=8cm,点D是AB的中点点P在线段BC上以3CM/S的速度由点B向点C运动,同时,点Q在线段CA上由点C向点A运动.1.如果点Q的运动速度与点P的运动速度相等,则1秒后,三角形BPO与三角形 三角形为直角三角形,AB为8cm, 三角形ABC为直角三角形,AB为8cm, 求歌名and just get it get it应该是一个韩国女生组合唱的I just wanna kissI never wanna miss再刺激一点 one more time All you can eat Rest 谁知道关于孝的名言和孝的故事 I asked that he was really happy.如果是这类翻译——“我问他是否真的快乐。” 不是应该由if 或whether引导吗? He was really happy that I askedthat I asked是什么成分?表补从句吗?为什么? 村坝清柳这段时间气温好多度? 村坝清柳近几天气温估计好高!? 请问一下村坝清柳近几天气温估计好高.………… 柳清坝天气温度大体多少.……………… ensuite的意思及造句是? ensuite room是什么