
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 14:16:36
野生亚洲水牛是不是濒危物种? 老人与海中圣地亚哥是作者的原型吗一个名著阅读,“硬汉子”形象的原型就是作者自己对吗? 帮我起个英文名字?leo怎么样?我叫廖浩 to tell the teuth ,i frlt q()when i was in the open air 什么花在沙漠中可以活? 沙漠花是什么 沙漠里可以种什么花?还有什么花呢? 沙漠中生长的花 Can you tell me the ()(答案)to this question? 举出三种新闻的定义,并就其中一种谈谈对新闻定义的理解举出三种新闻的定义并就其中一种,谈一谈对新闻定义的理解?有知道的人,请尽快回答 1.______big success the film was!A.What B.What a C.How D.How a..还有原因.2.The man won an Oscar_________Best Actor ______his role in this film.A.as,in B.as,for C.for,for D.for,in3.Ann devoted all her time she had ______others.A to help B helped C 新闻鼻含义新闻鼻的定义不需要随便百度来的答案 ——__was the show?——it was a big success A.What B.When C.How D.WhyI'll give a talk tomorrow.I'm thinking about_______.A.how can I say B.what can I say C.how to say D.what to say The film _a great success.A.appreciatedB.enjoyedC.wonD.serzed It is true that knowledge_____ instead of being taught.A.learns B.learned C.is learned D.was learned 是什么意思hello,men 你好 能不能发给我一个最新的自,由,men 谢谢 Since then he played in more than twenty films.这句话哪错了 he has since written more than 45 books 这句话为什么要加个she has since written more than 45 books这句话为什么要加个since为什么要since 我的书,怎么用英语说? Is there any reason for which /why you should have a holiday?为什么用介词for where there is awill there is away S.Korea:Chinese cooperation vital,求给翻译个标题~ 八年级下册英语前三课所有的从句,包括定语从句,表语从句,宾语从句,定语从句,谓语从句 什么叫宾语从句,什么叫定语从句,还有个非限制性什么意思啊,什么叫表语,同谓语,英语上的,不要笑. tell the diffrence between ' why can you not answer' and 'why can not you answer'.can you not answer 和 why can not you answer 的区别,说出他的语法规则,二楼的朋友说why can you not answer是一个病句吗,这可是我在书上看到 Chris took great _____ in teasing his sister.A:pleasant B:joy C:delight D:gladness 英语翻译This box is as big as that one.Why not go there for a holiday?请问你们是不是文盲,用英语翻译句子啊,也就是同义句 In his twenties he took part in sports and gained a great deal of __________.A.ability B.study C.In his twenties he took part in sports and gained a great deal of __________.A.ability B.study C.experience D.knowledge 想问一下这里为什么选C. 景点香港,图片香港和一个女人叫什么名字,五个字的名字 有没有名字有五个字的? CF起个五个字名字五个字,纯汉字最好起个名字里面带 霞 这个字的(嘿嘿,原因就没必要多说了)不要太怂的,别给我整个 什么什么爱沵什么什么的,太丑了,要的是意境不过只要是很有意境的名