
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/23 17:56:06
What kind of film 还是films spring but is it weather is awful the连成一段话 we use a bed cover to keep the dust_____.填的是什么? we use a bed cover to keep the dust off Keep the surface free from dirt by putting a cover over it. don’t make phone calls when you are driving这句话对么,还是把don‘t改成didn‘t呢 Don't take a chance when driving a car能这么说吗 雁门太守行全诗意思 雁门太守行整首诗,怎么写? 嘟嘟什么意思 Do you mind___I use your computer?A.while B.when C.if D.because 一个MM给我评好有印象就是这个 是么意思呢? 黑嘟嘟是什么意思 while your parents are away 为什么不用when A policeman or two or three is to help them out of the troubleor不是就近原则的嘛,谓语动词怎么是is?不是are啊!求详解, Who wants to learn how to fly planes?的最佳回答是什么 My mother likes to help others My mother likes help others 我的妈妈喜欢帮助别人.哪个是? 粉嘟嘟的小脸像( )一样可爱怎样填空 Learning to Fly 歌词 “Will you have texting on your phone?” 30.-China is beginning to test the air quality with the new standardPM2.5-Good news!Then the old PMIO standard will be___A .out of style B.here and there C.on the way D.in a hurry翻译原题,并详解为什么选A, 天马行空的作文 谁有天马行空的想象作文呀 用bear cup mother egg pig baby apple house 连成英语故事要用通顺的语言,一定要用英语连哦,跪求! This can I talk to him about once a month on the phone 用惊心动魄造一个描写战争的句子 请求用惊心动魄造一个描写战争的句子, ***warning:your computer CHIP fan fail or speed too low***我想在CMOS里关闭这个警报,以免它每次开机都叫,都要按F1,这风扇我是拆不下来了,也不死机什么的,随它去了,麻烦谁知道怎么在CMOS里关闭这个选项? 正在洗碗的机器人是我昨天买的 英文翻译 The robot that () was bought by me yesterday. The pen bought yesterday was stolen.这个句子为什么有两个谓语呢? I am play jokes on you什麼意思 謝謝