
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 08:14:13
几个词不会翻译 蚊帐 情敌 和 繁体字 1,Would you like ______?a;two cup of coffee b;two cups of coffees c;two cups of coffee d;two cup of coffees 2,my mum is very ______to be taking a ______vacation in shanghai.a;exciting,relaxing b;exciced,relaxed c;exciting,relaxed d;exciced,relaxing 3 英语翻译Fitted Bed Sheet,88cm x 210cm x 38cm (breadth x length x width),with Black Imprint on the bed sheet breadth-wise flap centre,100% cotton,Sky Blue colour70002Pillow Case,73cm x 48cm x 15cm (length x breadth x width),flap and with Black Imp there is some room for further improvement in her English 有什么语法?(further用法) 59.that’s all 翻译 some tourists go to see battlefieds or other historic remains翻译谢 简述哈尔的移动城堡(必须要100字左右) 一诺千金和移木建信的故事概括,40-30字和一饭千金还有退必三舍的故事概括急! 求一首英文歌you are the one for me求一首女的唱的英文歌,高潮唱的是could you be my other hand , could you always make me laugh.could you be the one just for me , you are the one for me.谁知道歌名叫什么?谁唱的? buildings什么意思 unity3d中transform和Transform和Translate有什么区别? 李煜的词风属于哪一派啊? Never give up No sacrafice no victory Should we just have a walk? In life we often have to do things that just are not our bag.bag貌似俚语, 谁能把英语课本第20页的课文读出来给我, 什么是stem计划? 在六年级的课本中,我最喜欢的课文是().因为 公元前和公元后 我们说的公元前,公元多少年是怎么定的?以什么标准设立的公元前,公元后.中国又是如何于国外通一的? 5 7 怎么写?为什么. 在墙上钻6-8mm的孔要多大功率的电钻?在墙上钻6-8mm的孔要多大功率的电钻?大哥们,我问的是要多大功率的“电钻”不是要多大功率的“电锤” 请选择正确答案 我也想要may queen的片尾曲 初三英语27Why do you look so worried?___Tracy finds out that I've lost her book?Could you give me some advice?A What if B What about C Why not 这句话怎么理解?尤其是stem off作何理解比较合适?(英语以及医学的请进)with a herniated disc(椎间盘突出症), the disc(椎间盘) pushes backwards into the nerves stemming off of the sinal cord(脊髓). 初三英语第27题,急, 为什么听到有人的读扁鹊是读bian qiao 都第三声,而不是bian que wander wander over 燃油税费的特点有助于回答者给出准确的答案 试述行为税的特点和作用.