
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/24 10:38:30
用如图所示的装置,培养柳枝(一个是“浸在水中部分的茎生出不定根”,另一个是“柳枝环剥部位生出了不定根”).一周后,可以看到图中的现象你能对此作出解释吗?由此你可得到什么结论? my brother dreams of flying to the moon one day.中dream 是动词吗.可以把of flying 换成fight吗 our dream of flying to the moon_____in the future.(achieve)是will be achieved 还是will achieve? he always dream( )flying to the sky{梦想}中间填of还是about my dream is (fly)to the moon one day空白处填fly的什么形式 i want to be an astronaut,then i will()to the moon A.can fly B.be able to fly C.can flyingWe ____(keep)many sheep on our farm in tow yearsWould you like to go ____(skate)with usI don't konw which sweater____(choose) 从物理学角度“垂柳成荫”是由于光的?“倒影如镜”是由于光的?所形成的岸边杨柳的(填“实像”“虚像” 翻译“Please ensure you address the following issues wherever applicable in your PPT” For futher information,please write to the following address翻译成中文 这世上有蓝色蒲公英吗?蓝色的?哪有买?如果人工染色要怎么染?曾经有个女孩说想要蓝色的蒲公英,这是我当初自己做的(如图).现在又到了蒲公英绽放的时节.突然想起罢了.希望看到更完美 已知一个由分数组成的数列,1/2,3/5,8/13,21/34,……试求此数列的前三十项中大于0.618的项数(refo请有兴趣的踩一踩 怎么证明1 1 2 3 5 8...前后比值无限接近0.618呢 travel and misc此句是出现在费用支出里的 travel是什么意思 现在全世界共有多少个国家? 当前世界共有多少国家? when did they hold a spring outing的中文解释 Please translate the following sentence,thank you.It is unbelievable how much you do not know about the game you have been playing all your life.个人看法:你对自己从事了一辈子的行业其实一无所知,多么的令人难以置信 在这个句子中what happened 作什么成分?例句是:Please give a full account of what happened yesterday. what / all that happened的用法 what happened to all that enthusiasm?翻译 risk和adventure有什么区别?risk和adventure,同样是冒险的意思时(别和我说risk有风险的意思),同样可作动词和名词具体使用、语境、固定搭配上有什么不同?请详细说明,PS:再次重申,不是问意思 谁来解释下Inherent risk,Control risk和Detection risk之间的联系和区别.审计方面的分别是固有风险,控制风险和侦察风险 英语中表“冒险做.”的hazard与venture、risk有什么区别? venture 和adventure的区别 risk adventure都有冒险的意思,那他们什么区别? Most students can't understand the sentence,so it wants ___once moreA.being explained B.explaining C.to explain D.explained 36.The sentence needs _______once more.  A.explained B.explaining C.being explained D.to explain为什么是选B? The sentence wants explaining. everyone wants to go to a good u___to study more One day,when Tom got to the office,a letter___for him.A.waited B.is waiting C.was waitingD.was waited原因 英语翻译For your above mentioned offer,would you kindly please quote us CIF GuangZhou seaport,China.