
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 04:00:24
i hate doing manual work at that situation very much 正确的解释是 电器 请问:45KV的电机用一个变频的驱动器 加一个制动单元 需要32 55 60 欧姆的电阻 如需要60欧姆的需要几电阻是2500W的 32 55 的电阻需要几个 我家里只有这几个型号 求怎么换算出来的公式 感 雅思题目Describe a piece of work that was done 比如什么..想不到阿`-0- 渔轮型号什么意思 想说一个人已经死了用he is died还是he was died? 沉溺的近义词 液态氧具备一些气态氧的性质吗?比如可以助燃,如果可以,那在假设液态氧不变化的情况下,在液态氧内部可以点燃火材吗/?(不考虑温度)如果让人的肺部充满液态氧,可以直接供给呼吸吗?很 液态氧的化学符号 He fell down dead.为什么dead 可以修饰fell down? 照例填词语 红(彤彤) 黄( ) 马()咝() 照样子写词语:红(通通)凉( ) He studies in (Class8,Grade7)提问.() () () he () in? 中字加上一笔后,是什么字? 英语翻译certification of quailty issued by CIQ indicating the NO OF L/C i was dead和i was died.如题. 乐此不疲的近义词 造就 毒害 不争 沉迷的近义词 写出近义词:庄严.摇晃.灵活.祷告.沉寂.簇拥.荒唐.沉迷.普及.信息.埋葬.剧烈灼痛一定要又快又好! 上海PETS-3什么时候报名?具体的时间和地点,谢谢各位!6.11-6.21上海应用技术学院 9300手机上总是出现这段英文是什么意思:billing is not suported on this version of android market Billing is not supported是什么意思 一进跑跑卡丁车就出现英文specified resoiution is not supported (16bit,specified resoiution is not supported (16bit,32bit)前面的都可以看见一输入帐号和密码以后就出现这点了确定就玩不了了 英语翻译If I could kick his head in,fickle little boyfriend,I’d be satisfiedIf I could smack some sense into his senses,I might feel alright’Cause I spent the weekend,waiting all aloneFor that rat to come back homeWhen all the while,he was wi billing -----You _____ here in time.----Sorry,I was held up by the accident.Aare supposed to have arrivedB.are supposed to arrive C.have supposed to arrive D.supposed to arrive He was struck dead.这个句子有错误吗,怎样改正? it was ____(please) to see the accident happen yesterday 干挂石材钢骨架套什么定额项目特征为:1、热镀锌槽钢主龙骨;2、热镀锌角钢横向龙骨;3、不锈钢挂件 眼什么什么词语 The terrible accident _____ his carelessness.A.resulted from B.resulted in C.as a result of D.as a result hey.will you be my wife? 英语翻译这个人什么鸟意思``全是病句