
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 15:00:34
求甜品店,中文英文谐音店名最好读起来很阳刚. 求一谐音单词.意义好,读音近似“yun du”,可用作店名的英文单词,拉丁亦可名词 或者形容词 我叫杨启帆 帮我想个英文名字吧 最好是发音和我中文谐音的 Jack and mike are american改一般疑问句 Jack and Mike are good friends,They like traveling in _26_ free time.Last week,they went toFrance on vacation.one day,they saw a church in a village,_27_ they came into it,they found a service going on,they didnt know french."just sit down _28_ and d are bob or jack good friends 还是 are bob and jack good friends哪个是对的 Jack is my brother's good friend.(改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答) Jack and Mick are American.(改为一般疑问句)    ______ Jack and Mike ______? 请问学英语好的地方都有哪些?上海这边的 根据中文名发音 谐音取英文名男生,中文名叫:春宇 姓:王 全名:王春宇 应该取什么英文名呢?要和中文发音 谐音相同 并注上含义 我叫凃云,请帮我起个和我中文名谐音的英文名,如果可以就标上读音. 想起一个英文名,中文名字孙振,要求:英文名最好与中文名发音一致或者取谐音. 取英文名,我的中文名的拼音是:lin jing 性别:女.希望英文名的发音是谐音希望是自造的,或者特别一点的 寻找一首歌!是一首英文歌,一个女的唱的,声音很甜,歌词高潮是I LOVE YOU ,TO(IN) MY DREAM歌词高潮是I LOVE YOU ,TO(IN) MY DREAM... 有首歌的首句好像是my love ,my dream,是英文歌,是伤感调的. my love is forever;there is a new lusion in my dream in my heart谁知道这是什么歌啊 ,我刚建的号,没分,只能说声 谢谢 一首女唱英文歌,只记得Imiss you oh my love i dream you in the sky,听上去像华人唱的反正不是很纯正的欧美英文歌 一首英文歌,一句歌词是“you just 什么什么 my dream,so beautiful.”只听清了这一句“you just 什么什么 my dream,so beautiful.”还有什么my life,不知道是什么歌,男的唱的 一个英文单词的汉语读法是素我尼尔,请问这个单词是? The heavy snow stopped the train___ on time.A.arrive B.arriving C.arried D.arrives填什么?顺便翻译一下 英语达人的麻烦帮我一下.求……( )My brother ------------TV very much.A.like English B.likes watch C,likes watching D.watches 英语翻译5.Economic incentive for advertisingIf managers of stock-based acquiring firms have an incentive to increase advertisingintensity in pre-merger announcement years then one would expect that advertisingintensity in that year is posit 英语达人麻烦帮看下有什么错误没有,帮修改下,Shortly before,I have made a group presentation with my friends.This is my first year in UK and first presentation in the university.So we chose a topic what is the benefits and the disadv 在松江学英语哪里比较好 具体介绍下听说老城区那边也有一家 在松江的小孩子想学英语应该去哪里? 英语达人,帮忙修改下.Why did you choose our university?Firstly,shanghai is one of the chinese cities with a large concentration of universities,and I wannor to be a professional management manager in the future in this city.Secondly, XX unive 英语翻译 跪求人教版小学英语六年级下册第一单元课文.只要7、8、9页的, 2013年4月20日,雅安发生7.0级地震,某地需550顶帐蓬解决受灾群众临时住宿问题,现由甲,乙两额 2013年4月20日四川雅安地区发生强烈地震,急需大量震灾帐篷.某帐篷生产企业接到任务后,加大生产投入,提高生产效率,实际每天生产帐篷比原计划多200顶,现在生产3000顶帐篷所用的时间与原计 2013年4月20日四川雅安发生了7.0级地震.在抗震救灾活动中,重庆某厂接到一份订单,要求生产7200顶帐篷支援四川灾区,后来由于情况紧急,接收到上级指示,要求生产总量比原计划增加20%,且必须 英语翻译One must have chaos in one’s soul to give birth to a dancing star.Out of life's school of war:What does not destroy me,makes me stronger.