
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/19 13:44:13
歌词中有 i wonder how、i wonder why 的一首不是'my love"轻快的女声英文歌 英语歌曲歌词里有I wonder how, I wonder why等,什么歌了? 皮特的英文怎么写 彼得英文怎么写 问一下皮特的英语单词怎么写 英语翻译可以用工具来翻译,呵呵 英语翻译翻译 Please do not over-charge the batteries for more than 3hours .Do not charge the batteries when in use Please do it _this or do it_me.填写?并且翻译 what is more有没有过去时我的意思是当它作为“而且”讲时有没有各种时态,像一般过去时、一般将来时等等。。 what is more连接的句子还分主句分句吗?能不能举个例子?谢谢。。 英语翻译定语从句the people to___ i spoke just ____ are korean. 帮助刚入学的小刚写一篇关于怎样学习的英语作文为刚刚步入初中的小刚提几条建议,告诉他怎样学习要80~100个单词左右 求《搏击俱乐部》里一段英文台词绝大部分人都是聪明人 ­只是你们的潜力都被浪费了 ­只做替人加油,或是上菜,打领带的工作 ­广告诱惑我们买车子,买衣服 ­于是拼命工作买我 i want to know if you have to describe someone ,what words would you say?这句问句语法上是否有问题?如何回答 I would like to know.I want happiness in the end what is? 歌词中有“everything that i believe”和“take me in your arms”的英文歌,女生唱的.咪咕(M3)电子音乐杂志Vol.46的背景音乐,找很久了,请大家帮帮忙啊!感激不尽! what kind of movies would you like to see?what kind of birthday present would you like?为什么第一句后加了不定式,第二句不加? 消防员英语怎么写 Shall we go to Nanjing?A.Yes,we'll B,Not at all C,That's a good idea D,That's ok Is your famiiy name Brown?【 】 A,Yes,it is B,YES,I am C,Yes,I'm D,No I'm not ---do you like that( ) ---yes,l do.l often go to his concert.she( )hum pieces of music at the age of four.she is a talented singer.空格处填什么 I Like Girls That Drink Beer 歌词 do,you,to,what,trying,are?连词组句he,film,Tom,it,wo’t,seen,the,has,beacuse,see.连词组句 What are you trying to sayshi是什么意思 特殊疑问词作连词时后面句子是什么时态 where is your new classmate from同义句改写 Is that girl here your classmate?这句话有什么问题? 连词成句、(your,new,is,classmate,this) The girls like desert.用 who提问 please tell him_____(not do)it用所给动词的适当形式填空 please tell her (not do)the work now. 你的同学怎么了?______ ______ ______ your classmate? degree