
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 18:43:12
what's up,what's on和what's 大学英语四级听力最后三个空(写句子的题)判卷如何评分?听写句子的题每空算2分.如果写出句子的一部分给多少分?这个具体是按什么标准评分的?还有,有人说听写句子这三个空太难,最好不 表示颜色变化的句子? 表示颜色的句子急! 大家有表示颜色的句子吗? What's more翻译 用 what’s more 翻译 这是一本好书,而且很便宜 请问“what's more”该如何翻译?谢谢啦 英语翻译1.到现在为止,我们只有六个人学习2.自从去年我家的房子发生了巨大变化.3.在过去几年里这个河流一点也没变化.4.他们已经再也不是他们了. what’s more翻译 英语中what's more? what's more=什么两个单词的 英语翻译A UK government official said the EU would announce - jointly with the US - tougher punitive measures including more restrictions on Russian banking,energy and defence.More of what an official dubbed "Putin cronies" would have travel bans 3-6岁的少儿想学英语 应该最注重什么?发音?词汇和语法6岁以下的小孩不见得能弄明白吧 南瓜的诱惑用英语怎么说 万圣节南瓜用英语怎么说pumpkin lanterns ?为什么我觉得不太对劲 英语知识运用,根据句意和汉语或首字母提示补全单词1.They hope the _____________ (友谊) between their countries will last long.2.At last he _________ (认识到) that he made a lot of mistakes.3.Chinese people should not be afrai “南瓜派是感恩节餐桌上必不可少的食物”用英语怎么说!希望不是翻译器翻译的!拜托了!急需翻译! What day ______ it the day before yesterday?A.is B.was一道英语选择题,帮下忙, What day is it today?用yesterday 改写句子:What day { }{ }yesterday? what day it was yesterday?该咋回答? What day is it yesterday?哪一出错了,并改正 what day was it yesterday 和what day was yesterday的区别 1根据句意及首字母补全单词 2用适当介词或连词填空.3根据汉语意思,完成英语句子每空一词第一大题1、What do you do on w____?---I read books.2.l don't t___ it's a good movie .3.Yao Ming is a s___ basketball player.4 All in all,it was an e______ day. What an unforgettable day it was.用how的同义句是?. Was it that he passed an exam that excited us 是什么从句 Was it that he passed an exam that excited us是什么从句 求一与众不同的男英文名移民澳洲,周围俗名太多,想要一特别的,好听的. What a terrible day off it was若是过去式这句话对吗? Her teacher's day off was great怎么翻译 It was a great day for me.急